Lunch of Lies

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Someone actually broke into Stark Tower?!" "Shhh! Peter" I said blocking him mouth "are you ok?! you know after the whole... mysterious letter thing?" asked (B/F/N) "Yes..." I said moving my hand away from Peters face as Ned and MJ walk over. "Hey guys" Says MJ taking a seat next to Peter "Hi MJ!" I reply "What are you guys talking about?" asks Ned taking a seat on the other side of Peter "Just that my uncles throwing a party and all you guys are invited" I say excitedly changing the subject "Really where?" asks MJ "Stark Tower..." I answer. "Wow, your uncle must be very rich or very important to through a party at Stark Tower" Exclaims MJ "Yeah, Who is your uncle (Y/N)?" Ask Ned. I stay silent for a second "Tony Stark" I whisper. Ned's jaw drops and MJ just smiles "Your Uncle is.... Tony Stark!" gasps Ned "Yes, shh!" I sigh "I always thought you looked a bit like Stark" explains MJ, "So are you guys going to come?" I ask "Hells yeah!" yells Ned "Shh Ned! We don't want the whole school to know about it" scolds (B/F/N) "Oh don't worry I'm great at keeping secrets just ask Pete..." He explains. Mj, (B/F/N) and I give them a look as Peter gently hits Ned on the shoulder "Ask Peter? Does that mean you two are keeping secrets from us?" I ask "Whaat? No!" Lies Peter "really becouse it sounds that you are... Is there anything you want to tells us?" Asks MJ, Peter goes red "No... I'm sure Ned just means that he is very trust worthy?" ha exclaims, we give him one last glare "Ok then..." says (B/F/N) giving in. Ring! "Well that's lunch over, I got to go!" Says Peter rushing off "He really is a weird guy isn't he?" says MJ getting up "Yep".

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