New Life

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(Y/N) P.O.V

The Limo pulled up in front of a large tower. "We are here miss (Y/N)" Says Happy, He jumps out of the car and opens the door for me "Thank you". As soon as I get out I Feel a strong pull and I'm suddenly in a large hug "(Y/N)! Oh my you've grown, well dah the last time I saw you were only a baby!" The person pulls away and I'm left staring at Tony Stark "Sorry kid, I'm just happy that your alright" I see tears forming in his eyes "m-Mr Stark" I gasp "kid we're family! you can call me Uncle Tony" Then a woman walks over "Hello (Y/N) I'm Pepper, Tony's told me so much about you... and your mother" We all stand their for a second as I think about me mother until Tony breaks the silence "how about we go inside the other house mates are waiting to meet you" He leads me and Pepper into the tower and my mind keeps racing thinking about the avengers "Their going to love you" I look over to Pepper "can you read minds?" She laughs a small little laugh as we hop into the elevator "no but I can see it on you face your worried" I smile as she gives me a caring look.

Bing! We finally get to out floor and walk out "This way kiddo" Tony says as I follow him "Everyone Please welcome The amazing (Y/N) my niece and our new house mate" I look around the room. I see, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Bruce Banner, Vision and Scarlet Witch.  "Welcome (Y/N)" Says Steve walking up to me "t-Thank you" I smile. They all greet me happily until "oh great another mortal I have to live with" I look over to where non other then the god of tricks hiding in the corner reading a book "excuse me?" I ask suddenly getting a burst of confidence "come now brother, Lady (Y/N) seems very nice anyway she just lost her mother" Loki gave out a snort "I thought the father can take care of the child instead of handing the mortal to us" The whole room looked at me and I walked towards him "Your correct Loki, usually the dad does take care of the child but my dad ran off on my mum and I when I was very young which is to bad because when you tried to take over New York  he died but I do thank you for that because that means that I get to live here instead of with him" I say surprise by my sudden confidence. The whole room suddenly went into a awkward silence, no one knowing what to say "Well... how about I show you to your room?" says Tony clasping his hands together and quickly I follow him out of the room.

Soon we reached the elevator and the 90th floor. "Now I know that I barely know you but you mother and I did send a few letters here and there, reminds me of when we where young" explained Tony "She sent me things like your favourite colour, things you were into at the time, photos you know those sorts of things" soon he stops outside I bright white door "He you go I hope you like it" he says putting on a small smile. Slowly I open the door and walk in.

 Slowly I open the door and walk in

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"Wow!" I say stunned by the room. "So you like it? I knew you would!" Tony exclaimed excitedly "It has your own TV, couch, desk, bathroom equipped with a spa" I look around completely  stunned "I- I don't know what to say!" I stutter "You don't have to say anything (Y/N) we're family you deserve this" I look over towards Tony and he puts his hand on my shoulder "Thank you". After I was done exploring my room I walk back over to Tony "I'll leave you to unpack now and If you need any help Wanda's room Is next to yours on the left, Nat's is four doors away on the left and Thor's room is next to you on the right" He said walking away "wait, I thought Thor's room would be near Loki's room" I blurt "He is, Loki's room on the other side of Thor's room" he exclaim but I could tell he was annoyed. He left the room and I'm left to unpack when I hear a knock on the door I turn around to see Natasha and Wanda standing there "Need help?" asks Nat walking in "Yeah, thanks" I reply. We walk over to where a group of boxes with my stuff we're dumped. "I'm sorry about your mother" said Nat suddenly "I never met her but I heard that she was a great woman" I look up at Natasha, I can see in her eyes that she's sorry and that's very rare for a assassin. "Well I never met her or heard of her until yesterday when Tony told us about her" explained Wanda "but I could tell she was dear to him and I'm sorry for your loss" she expressed pulling me into a hug. "Thank you" I said excepting the hug "Come on you two, the boxes aren't going to unpack themselves" Nat laughed as we started to unpack. 

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