New Years Eve!!

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Y/n's P.O.V

I sat in the girls Party Powder room with Wanda, Nat and Pepper. We were getting ready for the news years eve party. Somehow Pepper and I got Uncle Tony only to invite friends instead of a whole big extravaganza.

Y/n's Outfit

Wanda's outfit

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Wanda's outfit

Wanda's outfit

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Nat's outfit

Pepper's outfit

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Pepper's outfit

As soon as we were all ready we walked out of the prep room and walked into the party

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As soon as we were all ready we walked out of the prep room and walked into the party. Some of the guests had already arrived. Nat walked over to join Clint and his family, Wanda walked over to Vision and Pepper walked over to Uncle Tony who was talking with his friend Rhodey. Rhodey waved hello and I politely waved back standing awkwardly alone. Soon I got sick of it and I walked over to Thor who was talking with a strange brown haired girl. "Ahh Lady (Y/n) there's someone I would like you to meet!" Said Thor as he saw me walk over "this is miss Jane Foster" explained Thor as the girl turned around "it's lovely to meet you" said Jane holding out her hand "so your Jane, Thor talks about you a lot" I say shaking her hand, both her and Thor blush. "well anyway have any of you seen Loki?" I ask gazing around the room, Jane goes a bit pale "oh I think I saw him reading in the corner somewhere" explained  Thor "ok thanks" I reply looking around for Loki.

Loki's P.O.V

I sat on a corner window seal reading. I don't get this holiday, yes a year has passed so what? Even though I'm not the biggest fan of parties I couldn't help but look up from my book every now and again my eyes searching for one person, (Y/n). I looked up again and saw (Y/n), she was wearing the dress Tony gave to her for Christmas. "Hey Loki" said (Y/n) as she walked over to me, for a few quick seconds my eyes gazed over her body; "oh um hi" I stumble breaking from my trance "so are you enjoying the party so far?" (Y/n) asked playfully nugging me in the shoulder "Well out of all of Tony's parties this is one of the preferred ones" I answer giving her a cheeky grin. "Well people are starting to arrive do you want to go to the snack table?" Asked (Y/n) getting up "sure" I reply getting up and following her.

Y/n's P.O.V

I grabbed a small paper plate and started filling it with little snacks when I saw  Nick Fury and Agent Maria Hill walk in all dressed up for the party. "Agent Hill, Fury" I great with a smile as they walk over "lovely to see you (Y/n)" said Maria as Fury gave a respectful nod. "Everything alright lately?" Asked Maria "yes, no really evil bad guys" I reply "so no mischief?" Asked Fury side eying Loki. Loki starts to glower back "no mischief what so ever, just some great friends" I reply giving a sweet smile while elbowing Loki to warn him not to mess up. "Yes very good friends" replied Loki giving a cheeky grin as his arm wrapped it's way around my waist and he pulls he closer, I roll my eyes but play along a bit "well you better go say hello to Uncle Tony, we would love to know you've arrived" I exclaim grabbing Loki's hand and dragging him away.

Loki's P.O.V

"Only two minutes left until a new year!!" Yelled Tony a little bit tipsy. I looked around the room to find (Y/n). Soon I found her, she was talking to Steve. I watched as the laughed with each other and sometimes Steve would put his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. My jealousy bubbled inside and threatened to explode. I pushed it back down and I forced myself to go talk to her when I saw Steve wipe some cream off your face. My jealousy went straight up, afraid of exploding I ran outside it not quick emotional go for (Y/n) to see me run out.

Y/n's P.O.V

I watched as Loki hustled out of the room and towards the deck. "Excuse me for a minute" I say before following him. When I walked outside Loki was just staring out at the view. "Everything ok?" I ask walking up beside him "hmm yeah" replied Loki distantly "you know you can tell me anything right?" I urge placing my hand on top of his. Loki looks over at me, "I know" he replies. I stare into his green eyes. "I need to tell you something (Y/n)" says Loki suddenly walking into the middle of the deck "ok then, tell me" I say following him. "I-" Loki stumbles "3!!" Yelled the crowd, the moonlight reflected the mischief in Loki's eyes. "2!!", Loki lent in closer so our faces were inches apart. "1!!" Yelled the crowd and Loki's lips crashed against mine as the fireworks started to go off. At first I was about surprised but I soon melted into it. Loki's arm snaked it's way around my waist and he pulled me closer. But almost as soon as it started it ended, we broke apart and I started to feel all flustered. "BRAVO BROTHER!" Yelled Thor. We looked over at the doorway to see the whole gang staring at us, some with smirks, others looks of surprise. "Oh umm Happy new year!" I yell uncomfortably and everyone laughed.

As we made our way inside Loki, grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "I'm sorry about just then... I understand if you don't like me in that way and/or you like Steve or-" He started "oh shut up" I sigh "I like you too" I explain with a cheeky grin as I leaned in and kissed him again.

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