House to ourselves

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The week went past fast. (B/F/N) was still angry at me for not introducing her to Thor and Loki but soon I made it up with her by giving her a new phone, uncle Tony gave me after hearing about it. 

[1:10pm Satuday]
(B/F/N): So when are you going to introduce us to the avengers?.

[1:12pm Saturday]
(Y/N): IDK, for one I need to ask uncle Tony if you can come around first.

[1:15pm Saturday]
(B/F/N): Just ask if you can invite a few friends around at one of his parties, he has tons of them.

[1:16pm Saturday]
Peter: (B/F/N)! 

[1:18pm Saturday]
(B/F/N): What! I was only putting it out there!

[1:18pm Saturday]
(Y/N): 😕

[1:20pm Saturday]

[1:22pm Saturday]
Peter: Fine...

[1:23pm Saturday]
(Y/N): Sorry guys but I've got to go...

I turn off my phone and looked up. "Finished texting your friends hey?" asked Tony sitting down next to me "Yeah, their still wondering when I can introduce them to you guys" I explain with a sigh "Well I'm have a party next weekend you can invite a few friends" Tony replied putting a hand on my shoulder "Really?! Thank you!" I exclaim hugging him, "of course kiddo but that's not why I want to talk to you" I look at him questioningly "Pepper, Nat, Steve and I have a very important meeting tonight and we won't be back in till 10:00 tomorrow" he explains "ok  then" I answer thinking there's got to be more too it, "I asked  Vision and Wanda if they could look after you tonight but they said they were going out tonight" Tony explained further "so I've had no choice but to leave you with Loki and Thor" he says grimly "Why can't I just stay here by myself?" I ask. Tony looks at me right in the eye "I trust you but the Avengers and I have a lot of enemies and I just can't let you get hurt" He answers. I look at him in the eye "ok" I sigh, "Thank you" he says getting up and kissing me on the forehead.

I sat on the couch after saying good bye to Tony, Pepper, Nat and Steve. "Well Lady (Y/N) it seems that we have the tower for just you, me and Loki tonight" said Thor sitting next to me, "Yay..." sighed Loki sarcastically. I look over at him, he's in the corner reading a book again "Oh come now brother, it will be fun" exclaims Thor excitedly "yes, well I better start making dinner" I say getting when Thor pulls me back down, "no Lady (Y/N) I will be making dinner tonight". Loki and I both stared at him with shock "Thor are you sure brother?" asks Loki getting up "Yes! I've already got dinner planned out". Loki and I look at each other in horror "Thor what are you going to make?" I ask hoping it's something easy "It's called Paella" I slap my hand on my face "Thor that is hard to make..." I explain "nonsense! I've watched Steve cook many times it can't be that hard" Thor claimed, Then before I could stop him he got up and walked towards the kitchen "Now all you two need to do is relax and just play a game or something".

Soon I got bored and started playing on my phone only rarely looking up to find Loki staring and me. "What are you playing?" asked Loki finally "Magic Tiles 3" I answer "fuck! oh um you want to watch?" I ask after messing up. He paused for a second not sure what to say "sure..." He walks over and sits down next to me. After a few minute of playing I look at him "do you want a turn?" I ask handing him the phone "your have a turn?" He blurted "yes I'm giving you a go now can you bloody take it!" I sigh. He takes the phone and looks at the songs "so what song do I play?" He asks "I'm on level 13 so any song that is unlocked" I explain, he scrolls a bit more then finally chooses a song. "This one looks alright" he presses Bad romance. I explain how to play then he starts.

"Wow! that was quick" puffed Loki after finishing "You did so well!" I squealed putting my hand on his shoulder, suddenly the fire alarm went off and we look over at Thor who was pulling out a very burnt  paella "Umm how about we just have ice cream for dinner?" ask Thor looking at the mess, I laugh as Loki smirks and we go get our ice cream.

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