Chapter 9: The Search Begins/Ayame vs Izumi

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In the forest, Yusuke was hiking and thought to himself  "Aw man. This sucks. How'd Botan convinced me to do this on a weekend."

Yesterday afternoon

Yusuke said "Slow down, infil-what?" Botan said "Infiltration. It's a sophisticated term for going undercover." Yusuke said "Right, right. And where will be going? Spirit World?" Botan said "Oh no, you'll be here on earth of course. An old human acquaintance of Koenma is looking for an apprentice to teach her powers to. That will be you." Yusuke said "Sounds boring. Who's the nice old lady?" Botan raised a hand front his face and said "Be careful what you call her. Her name is Genkai and she's one of the greatest psychics in the world. It's been a long time since she's had an apprentice. But I guess she feels like her end is drawing near. Most times people want to leave something behind, and for her it's her secret power."

She starts to what Koenma was telling her. Koenma said "There are so many people on earth who would give anything to have Genkai's ability, which is quite understandable considering what you can do with it. It is a powerful psychic technique that can, depending on the user can either protect or destroy hundreds of people." Botan said "That's what Koenma told me." Yusuke said "So you want me to learn the lady's powers instead of some other guy who might use them incorrectly,  is that it?" Botan said "Yes! That's it Yusuke, but I've still got a lot more to tell you." Botan thought about what Koenma says about Yusuke "Furthermore, it will will be a good chance to train Yusuke. That lazy kid won't get better unless someone forces it down his throat." Botan said "Oops. Better leave that part out." Yusuke looks at Botan. Botan said "Oh yes I was just saying how dangerous this mission was going to be. Spirit World Intelligence has informed me that an apparition by the name of Rando will almost definitely be going after Genkai's technique." Yusuke said "Rando?" Botan started tell Yusuke about Rando. "He's a human hunter hiding in the shadows of the living world, waiting for prey. He's stolen the power from ninety-nine psychics so far. When Rando steals a technique, he manipulates it into his own style, and then uses it on humans to test his new strength. Rando kills until he finds limits to his power, and with Genkai's technique that could be a very long time."

Yusuke said "Huh. All this seems like a pretty major crisis for mankind." Botan said "Well then, let's go!" Yusuke added "But it would be a total waste of a three-day weekend." Botan exclaimed and said "Mankind or Vacation?!" Yusuke shouted "Well they've got the same importance to me okay!" They both grunt in anger at each other. Botan said "All right Yusuke perhaps I forgot to tell you there's a super special bonus for completing this mission." Yusuke said "What?" Botan said as she whipped out a ticket "Your very own ticket to the main event for the World Battle Match at Tokyo Dome!" Yusuke got excited and said "Woah, don't just stand there!!! Let's go!!" As he stood right up.

Yusuke thinking "Stupid Botan, making me say yes like that. I mean if I mess this up and Rando kills everyone, there won't even be a Tokyo Dome. At least the other way I would have had a three-day weekend." He reached the gate and saw weird sutras on the gates post. He said "What a weird vibe. Well, once I don't get chosen I'll pretend it doesn't exist." At the shrine, there's a whole crowd and Yusuke looks around and said "Haven't seen this many freaks since that comic book convention." A man in the crowd said "Man, so many people have gathered here just from word-of-mouth. They know practically nothing about Genkai and yet they still want to be her apprentice." The guy next to him said "See, this proves how powerful she is. Even dogs can smell something good." Another man said "But they're wasting their time. The screening processing will be nearly impossible." Then Yusuke heard a familiar voice called out to him. Kuwabara said "Urameshi!!" Yusuke looked shocked to see Kuwabara. Yusuke said "Kuwabara??!"

Kuwabara said "What the heck is going on? I mean what are you doing here?" Yusuke said "I've got good reasons, unlike some people." Kuwabara said "You think I don't? Okay I'll tell you. It seems that my power to see spooky stuff and ghosts has gone up in the past few weeks and it's getting to where I can't even concentrate on my fighting, you know? Then I heard Master Genkai can fix up the symptoms so I came here to pay her a visit. But look at this line!" Yusuke said "Hey now. I agree you need therapy but are you sure this lady is into that?" Kuwabara said "Don't be such an Ignoramus, Urameshi! Master Genkai happens to be an expert at the Great Spirit Wave Technique. She can do about anything with a person's spirit, and that includes turning the volume way down on mine!" Yusuke said "Right. Spirit Wave. Everyone knows about that." Kuwabara grabbed Yusuke by his collar and said "This isn't school. So don't pretend like you're not a dufus!"

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