Chapter 16: Byakko, The White Tiger/Ayame Meets Yukina

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As they walk up the stairwell to the tower, they rest for a little while. Yusuke ask Kurama "Kurama, how terrible is that wound?" Kurama said "Fine. As long as I can walk." Hiei said "He'll survive but he's in no shape to fight. That means we have only three fighters left and one of them is worthless." Kuwabara said "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, short-stuff!" Yusuke said "Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he meant you." Kuwabara said "Is that so? Then maybe I should show you something! What in the world did you think I was doing for the last six months while you were off training with Genkai?! Letting you get better than me? Nuh-uh!!" Kuwabara focused his energy to his hand and yelled out "Spirit Sword!!" As his sword formed.

In Koenma's office

Both Koenma and George gasped. Koenma said "Wow! Kuwabara has greatly increased his powers and no one even had to force him! Maybe I'll get rid of the smart-mouth and let him be Spirit Detective!" As he sat happy on his desk. George said "But Koenma Sir! You and I both know that Yusuke is a unique case! What would your father do if he found out you were giving up such a promising kid? You wouldn't be able to sit down for decades! Not to mention Ayame's rage if you got rid of him from that." Koenma said "But on the other hand, Kuwabara probably wouldn't call me a toddler."

Back at Maze Castle

Kuwabara pointed his sword Yusuke's way. Yusuke shouted "Hey! Watch it!" Kuwabara said "You see what I've learned Urameshi? I don't got to use the tip of that wooden sword to make it work anymore! It's just my pure energy and I bet it could beat the crap out of your Spirit Gun!" Yusuke stuck up his middle finger and said "That depends on what finger I use." Hiei said smugly "Well, as it turns out he's only partially worthless." Kuwabara pointed his sword toward Hiei and shouted "Okay, Wanna die?!!" Hiei smiled smugly and said "I dare you." Yusuke got in the middle of them and put his hands out on both sides to push both of them back and shouted "Hey!" Kuwabara scooted back and said "Yeah-yeah, let him live. I'm pretty sure he'll be saying sorry after he sees what else I can do!" Kuwabara pointed his sword to the ceiling and said "Sword get long!" As the sword extended threw the roof. Yusuke said "Wow, it even comes with a Spear attachment." Kuwabara laughs and said "I can make it any size I want it to be." As he drew his Spirit Sword back. Kuwabara said "I know when Genbu showed up I got a little-- what's the word. Freaked! But that's not going to happen from now on, my friends! Because Kuwabara's got the good stuff!" He starts to get dizzy and falls onto the floor. Kuwabara said "Don't worry guys just sometimes the sword makes me a little dizzy." Yusuke said to him "You're not making us look good!" Then, Yusuke's Communication Mirror starts to ring. As he opens the Mirror, Botan said "Yusuke! You've got to hurry!!" Yusuke asked "What's the matter Botan?!"

Botan said "Listen Yusuke, I think the Saint Beasts have launched another wave of Insects! I've found a whole batch by an elementary school!" Yusuke said "They're taking over kids now!" Botan said "That's right." Yusuke said "I thought you said that these Insects liked to take over the minds of depressed people!" Botan said "Well that's because depressed people are more easily influenced. The same is also for children but if the bugs get into them I'm afraid--" As she jumped back from a man infected by the Insects. Yusuke said "Okay, you're afraid! I get it! Now finish your sentence!" Botan said "Sorry Yusuke, but I'm being chased now!" Yusuke said "You're being chased? By who?" Botan said as she looks back for a second "By another guy under the control of the Makai Insects, and this one looks especially unfriendly!" As she keeps running. Yusuke said "Just keep running!" As she runs, she finds a storage house and goes into it. Botan said "I've knocked out all the other victims by sneaking up on them!" After that, the guy started breaking down the door as Botan holds the door keeping him out. Yusuke asks "Well can't you call someone for help or something?" Kuwabara said "Or run away!" As the guy keeps trying to get in, Botan backs up. Then, she hears the man get knocked out. After that, a guy comes in. Botan uncovered her eyes and said "Oh. Izumi." Izumi said "I told you, I've got your back. Like my master promised me to. Yusuke said "Hey! Botan! Botan!" On the Mirror, Botan wipes sweat from her brow. After that, Izumi picked up the Communication Mirror and said "Hey Yusuke." Yusuke asked "Wait. Who the hell are you?!" Izumi said "The name's Izumi. My master told me to help Botan, so you want her to stay alive, you need to find that damn whistle, before this town and the world falls into chaos." Yusuke said "Okay. But how the hell do you know my name?" Izumi said "Let's just say my master knows you and cares about you a lot." After that, Yusuke sees Izumi's handy work. Yusuke said "Woah, you got him!" Botan said "Well we're not making a career out of this. You go and destroy that whistle before we have to fight this entire city!" Yusuke said "Right."

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