Chapter 18: Suspicious Feeling/ Seiryu, the Blue Dragon

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Tarukane's stronghold

Rani walked through the halls and checking to make sure she wasn't being followed. She thought "Damn! I knew Tarukane would have people watching me after that incident, but I didn't think he had the mental capacity to get a Butler to follow me." She looks around and spots cameras in the corners of the hallways. Rani thought "Huh, I knew there were cameras. You think if you have a demon worth millions, you would put cameras where you place them. Stupid man. This job will be easy." As she walks through the hallway, she walks pass a room that says "Dangerous! Never go in this room!!" Rani thought "What else could this asshole have?" Rani used her spirit energy to open the door by shaping it into a key. She unlocked the door and started to walk down some stairs. When she got there, she flipped on a light switch and was horrified at what she saw. Rani said "These beasts are demons and are being held captive. Tarukane is a dead man! How dare he do this?! I heard money will draw out the evil of people, but I never would've thought it could this far. Damn him. I am not leaving Tarukane's stronghold until he is dead. That's a promise!" She turned the lights off and locked the door back. As she walks down the hallway, she accidentally walks into Tarukane's Butler. The Butler said "Oh, Miss Rani. Are you alright and what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Rani said "No. I've just been thinking about something." The Butler said "Really? Do tell." Rani said "I don't why, but I feel like no one cares for me. Can you tell me why?" The Butler said "Well, I told Mr. Tarukane that you were conversing with Yukina and her servant. Could you tell me why?"

Rani said "Well, Yukina reminds me of a friend I used to have. She was kind and people took advantage of that and I couldn't bare to watch her get stepped on by others. So, I would stand up for her. But I realized something....." The Butler asked "What?" Rani said "If you stick up for people who would willingly let people treat them like trash, then you're only going to protect yourself. Because if that someone can't make a stand, they will never be released from their captives." The Butler said "Hmm. Can I ask you another question, Miss Rani?" Rani said "Yes." The Butler said "Why would you put your life on the line for strangers and friends, instead of protecting yourself?" Rani turned to the Butler with a darkened face and a creepy smile and said "Because it's my job and I will never let innocent people suffer from selfish peoples desires." As she walks away to the dungeon. The Butler thinks "She is surely a traitor and planning to escape with Yukina. I must inform Mr. Tarukane." As Rani walks to her room, she thinks "Gee. I thought I was really going to meet you. But I guess in the Spirit World, I will meet you. I love you, mommy and big brother Yusuke." After she feels a electric shock through her brain and sees the face of her mother and brother in her mind, before tears rolled down her face.

Meanwhile In Koenma's office

George said "Those boys are amazing Sir!" Koenma shouted "Ogre! That's enough with the optimism! Go do something useful!" George asked "Do you suppose they'll make it all the way through Maze Castle? Do you, Sir?" Koenma said "Unfortunately I can't suppose anything because we never found any information on the Four Saint Beasts. Now what do you suppose is in your hand there?" George gasped and said "Oh yeah, uh Sir I meant to tell you about it earlier, yeah, turns out we do have a little something written about the Four Saint Beasts." Koenma said "What! Two whole battles and you're only now telling me about this?!" As Koenma looks in the book's Table of Contents, he says "No, Fig, Flour, Four Saint, ah-page 42." As Koenma turns to page 42, he starts to read "Instructions, a very difficult but rewarding challenge with only one real weakness. Hard to boil." As he looks at the page confused. He turns back to the cover of the book and says "This says Four Saint Beets. You've given me a cookbook!" As he shouted. George said "Oh Sir!!" Koenma said "One hundred spankings." As two Ogres grab hold of George. George said "Oh please Sir, have mercy on me! Anything but spankings! Maybe you misread it!" As they carry George away for his spankings.

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