Chapter 4: Requirements for Lovers/Ayame's Memories

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Yusuke's P.O.V

I said "You know it'd would be really embarrassing to get eaten by something that came out of this egg so tiny."

Botan's P.O.V

I said "Well Yusuke... If you'd do some good deeds then you wouldn't have to worry."

Yusuke P.O.V

I said "Please! I hate people who call themselves do-gooder! They say they care but they're always out for themselves!"

Botan's P.O.V

I said "Everything is always half-empty with you isn't it, Yusuke! As long as you keep this crummy attitude you'll never get your life back!"

Yusuke P.O.V

I said "That toddler Koenma has got me by the balls and he knows it. He's just another idiot that's abusing his power!"

Botan's P.O.V

I cover Yusuke's mouth and tell him to hush. I said "You've got to watch that tongue Yusuke." Yusuke said "Who cares! We're alone!" I said "We don't know that for sure. Koenma probably are sending investigators to check on how you're doing." Yusuke said "Investigators? Well what do they look like?"

While in the sky, the sky got dark and thunder started rumbling. Then a bolt of lightning came from the sky. Then a small blue light came down.

Botan's P.O.V

I said "They look like that." Yusuke said "Like what?" Then out of the light, a little girl appeared.

Mystery girl(Investigator) P.O.V

"Hey. Pleased to meet you!"

Yusuke P.O.V

I said "That was quite the entrance. Who the hell are you?" The mystery girl said "The investigator!" I chuckled a bit and said "No joke. So, you're the one huh?"

Botan's P.O.V

I said "The one Koenma sent to check on Yusuke's progress?" The mystery girl said "I'm Sayaka!"

Yusuke P.O.V

I said frustrated "These kids! Then why don't you tell me what you're gonna investigate, Sayaka!" Sayaka said "I'm sorry. But that's a secret." As she disappeared on front of Yusuke and reappear away from him.

Sayaka's P.O.V

I said "Botan if you'd help. Which one is Yusuke's girlfriend?"

Yusuke P.O.V

I said confused "Girlfriend? I don't--What are you talking about?" Sayaka said "Which of the girls is Keiko?" I said "Not that again! Why can't you spirit people get it through you thick heads! She's just a friend!"

Botan's P.O.V

I said as I pointed to the girls walking "Right down there."

Botan's P.O.V

I told Sayaka. The girls were walking to school. Keiko was in the middle of her friends. I said.

Sayaka's P.O.V

I said "It's hard to believe that a girl with her kind of positive markings would even go for a guy like him." Yusuke said "I heard that!" I asked "Now are we absolutely certain that Keiko wants Yusuke to come back to life again?" Yusuke looked shocked. I said "After all, there's a great deal of manpower involved in making one of these life-recoveries rum smoothly. There is no point in doing it if the people closest to don't care."

Yusuke P.O.V

I said sternly "Hey look, this ordeal thing wasn't my idea so don't throw me a guilt trip. And as for Keiko, how am I supposed to know? It's clear if she had any sense she'd want me gone." Botan said "She wants you back." I said "You think so? She always looks at me like this--" As I smush my face like an ape. I said "Hey Yusuke, come to school! Hey Yusuke, that's not the right uniform! Yeah she probably just wants me around so she can yell at me and get a better reputation with the teachers."

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