Chapter 22: Lamenting Beauty

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At Yusuke's Home

Atsuko said "Get out of bed! You're going to be late, again!" As she hit Yusuke in the top of his head. Yusuke said "Push off!" As he walked out the door. Atsuko said "Wait!!" As she opened the door, she said "Your bag!" As she threw it at him. Yusuke said "No thanks." As it hits the back of his head, Atsuko said "I'm calling the school office to check!" Yusuke said "Like I'd skip." He smirked. As he ran up the stairs, he jumped off the balcony and started to run to school. Yusuke said "It's the perfect plan. Sleep in, and get plenty of exercise running." As he was running, he could sense someone following him. As he came to a stop, he saw Hiei. Yusuke said "Well if it isn't my favorite three-eyed demon. What's up Hiei? You're not stalking me again, are you?" Hiei pulls out a cassette tape to pass off to Yusuke. Yusuke asked "What's that?" Hiei said "From Koenma." Yusuke asked "Koenma? Isn't that Botan's gig?" As Yusuke takes the cassette tape. Hiei said "I don't know. I'm following orders." Yusuke asked "You're following Koenma's orders?" Hiei scowls at Yusuke. Yusuke asked "Something wrong, Hiei?" Hiei disappears. Yusuke said "Strange guy." The school bell rings. Yusuke said "Damnit!" As he runs to school.

In Koenma's office

Kurama asked "Have you sent him?" Koenma said "Yes, Yusuke should be getting the tape right now, so we can only pray things happen as planned." Kurama asked "Do you think Hiei suspects anything?" Koenma said "Probably, but he's still far from the truth, I think. Maybe you should have accompanied him." Kurama said "I believe we'll be alright. Hiei may sense something wrong, but he'll leave Yusuke to fix it." Koenma sighed worriedly and said " I hope you're right. But that's nothing compared to how Yusuke will react to the rest of the tape." Kurama asked "Why are you so worried about Yusuke's reaction?" Koenma said "Because Yukina isn't the only person he will be saving. And let's just say the other person he will be saving, he might skin me alive when he finds out." Kurama thought "What could he be so afraid of? It's not like they have kidnapped his mother or girlfriend."

At Sarayashiki Junior High

As Kuwabara enters the classroom, Yusuke said "Kuwabara!" Yusuke said "You've got a nice VCR in your room, don't you? Ours is a piece of junk, so let's go to your house!" Kuwabara asked "What is it Urameshi? A nudie movie??" Yusuke pulls out the tape and says "Maybe, it's from Spirit World!" Kuwabara said "I had a dream you'd bring that up today and the answer is no! You're not risking my life again!" Yusuke asked "What are you talking about? You're the guy who leaped into that portal the last time while I was telling you to go home!" Kuwabara said "Dress up the facts all you want! I'm not fighting anymore! Period! Yup! I'm going to be a scientist!" As he watched Kuwabara go to his seat, Keiko said "Yusuke, is it your goal to get a detention every day of school? You know you can't bring videos here!" Yusuke tucks the tape in his jacket and said "Well at least I'm here, right?" Keiko asked "Are you trying to hide something from me?" Yusuke said "No! Why?" Keiko said "There's a cassette in your armpit." Yusuke looks at her. Keiko asked "What, Yusuke?" Yusuke then thinks about the promise he made to Keiko about telling her the truth. Yusuke said "Okay fine, to tell you the truth I got this thing from Spirit World. I haven't seen the video yet but odds are it's my next big case. So how's that for spilling my guts?" Keiko stares at Yusuke. Yusuke asked "Hey! What's wrong?" Keiko asked "What's a Spirit World?" Yusuke exclaimed. Yusuke asked "You got amnesia or something? I thought Botan explained everything to you about my job as Spirit Detective!" Keiko said "Right, she told me all about your internship with that great Detective. Oh of course! Spirit World must be the name of the agency of the guy you work for!" Yusuke cracked a tiny smile

At Kuwabara's House

Yusuke yelled at Botan and said "Okay Botan! What kind of stupid explanation did you give her?! She thinks I'm a freaking intern in some screwed up after school program!! For Juvenile Delinquents!!" Botan said "Well I had to make up something believable to explain your absences without mentioning the supernatural! A basic tenet of Spirit World is that it can't run properly if normal humans have proof of it!" Yusuke said "Well, you made me sound lame." Kuwabara shouted "Enough already!! Can we please just watch the video instead of arguing! You're going to annoy my sister!" Yusuke grumbles as Botan sticks her tongue out at him. Kuwabara said "Besides, Botan's right. Keiko's not supposed to know, so the truth would only get her in trouble. Maybe you should care more about her safety than worrying about some stupid cover story." Yusuke said "I just love being tag-teamed." Botan said "Oh thank you, Kuwabara. You're very wise!" Kuwabara said "What can I say, Botan? You and I seem to be a perfect match in every way." Botan laughs nervously. Kuwabara said "Now! One more thing before I press play Urameshi! Whatever kind of mission it is, there's no way I'm getting involved!" Yusuke said "Okay, okay! Just start the tape!"

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