Chapter 24: The Deadly Triad

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As Yusuke, Kuwabara and Botan enter into the stronghold, they come face-to-face with the first demon from The Triad

Miyuki asked "Which of you strapping lads will I have the pleasure of fighting first?" Kuwabara said "No way! You're a girl! We can't fight girls-- it's against my code! Come on, Urameshi. Let's just walk past her." Miyuki said in patronizing tone "Oh, a gentleman. A pawn of insecure males seeking to own their women." Kuwabara said "Whoa Whoa! I don't know anything about that, okay! Guys just don't fight girls!" Yusuke stepped in front of Kuwabara and said "I'll fight with you." Kuwabara said "Urameshi, are you serious??" Yusuke said "She's a fighter and she's trying to get in our way. I don't care if she's a girl or a baby or somebody's grandmother. I'll still knock her out." Miyuki said "Oh, I love your style. It's an equal playing field and anything goes!" As she jumps back and gets in her fighting stance. Yusuke said "Well let me check first to make sure." As they jumped into the air to land an  attack on each, they both came back to the ground. Miyuki crouched down holding her chest and said "You pervert! What was that?" Yusuke turned to Miyuki and said "Now I know."

Kuwabara said "Hey....I didn't get it. What just happened?" Yusuke shouted "Hey lady! You've got no chance winning this fight!" Miyuki said "Oh, shut up!" As she pulls one of her hair strands out her hair and turning it into a whip. As she ran at Yusuke, Yusuke dodged her. Miyuki said "You never would have done that if I were a man!" As she wrapped the whip around Yusuke's throat. As she pulled Yusuke to the floor, Botan asked "What does she mean by that?" Kuwabara said "I don't know....." Kuwabara gasped. And he thought that Yusuke must have grabbed Miyuki's boobs. Kuwabara said "Oh my gosh! I'm pretty sure he grabbed Miyuki's..... uh.... well it serves you right to get choked Urameshi!" Miyuki jumped up and busted through the ceiling and land on broad in the ceiling. As she pulls Yusuke up by the whip, she says "I'm going to enjoy this." As she has a sharp knife made from her hair waiting for him. Kuwabara said "Maybe he should try apologizing to her." Botan said " quiet." From a camera, Tarukane and his goons watch as Yusuke gets strangled. Tarukane says "What a broad!" As Yusuke hangs from the whip, he says "If you wanted to hang out together, you should've just asked!" As he swung back and forth to bust through the ceiling. As he bust through the ceiling, he got close to Miyuki and said "Hello!" As he chuckled.

As she jumps away, Yusuke jumps to her and asks "Hey! Where are you going? Let's hang out!" As he punches her in her breasts, he kicks her through the ceiling onto the floor. Miyuki gets back up and runs towards Yusuke, only to get punched in the breasts again. As she lands to the floor, Kuwabara exclaims. He said "Ah! Urameshi! How can you keep hitting a girl like that! I mean you even hit her in her ta-tas!!!" Yusuke said "Give me a break! You want me just to stand still while she reams me!" Kuwabara said "I don't know!!!! All I'm saying is that boys aren't allowed to hit girls!!!" Yusuke said "We're both fighters! Why the hell does it make a difference!" As Miyuki ran at Yusuke, Yusuke kicked her head through the wall. As Kuwabara and Botan run towards Yusuke, he says "You yell way too much." Kuwabara turns to Yusuke and said "Okay that's it! You and me got to duke it out right now so I don't get nauseous! Even if she was attacking you, you don't have to knock her head through a wall you bully!" Yusuke said "Fine, I wasn't going to tell you this cause I still don't think it matters. But look closely...." Everyone looks at Miyuki. Yusuke said "It turns out our Mrs. is a Mr." Botan said "Oh!"

Kuwabara asked "But how did you....know?" Yusuke using his hands to show them how he checked Miyuki. He said "Well-uh-I really couldn't help but notice..." Kuwabara thinks back to the first attack and said "Wait a sec." Yusuke said "Okay, I admit. I was curious. Things didn't seem right up-top, and, know...The family jewels have not been stolen." Kuwabara said "So fighting girls actually does bother you, but you gave her a check-up instead of attacking her...You're kind of weird person, aren't you?" Miyuki gets up and says "You think I'm a freak, don't you? That's why you're attacking so violently!" She looks at Yusuke and says "What! You're afraid I'll rub off on you? Why can't you treat me as an equal?" As she tries to attack Yusuke, Yusuke grabs her and said "Shut up!" He said "If you're going to be a man, do it all the way! Not half way!" As he picks her up and throws her to the wall. Yusuke walks to Miyuki and says "I'm fighting you because you won't let us save those girls! It's got nothing to do with anything except for me kicking your ass!" As Miyuki passes out. Kuwabara asks "You positive about this Urameshi? She looks so-- I mean he looks so--uh--pretty. I mean...are you sure that she's uh..." As Kuwabara tries to lift up Miyuki's dress, Botan walks him in the back off the head with her broom. Botan said "You jerk!" They looked back and saw a camera. Kuwabara said "Hey look, a camera!" Yusuke said "Two more and we're coming after you!" As they flashed two fingers at the camera.

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