Chapter 28: The Dark Tournament Begins

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The Dark Tournament. It is the fiercest fighting competition on either side of reality. Organized by human businessmen who make their fortune in the underbelly of the Black Market, and muscled by the most notorious cutthroat demons Spirit World has to offer. Each millionaire assembles a team of six fighters, and the teams fight to the death. Sometimes, a special team is invited to the tournament as guests, made of fighters who have earned a reputation for causing trouble. Participation is not a choice for them. This year, one such team exists. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Ayame and the mysterious masked fighter are this year's special guests. And so it begins.

As Team Urameshi sits near the railing, demons laugh wickedly while plotting on what they should do to the humans on board. Kuwabara said "Shoot, nothing here but ugly monsters. I thought cruises were supposed to have pretty girls." Kuwabara thinks as he looks at the masked fighter "Urameshi said this fighter guy's supposed to be tough. But he's bite-sized! I bet he'll jump overboard once he sees my new sword power!" Hiei said "I sure hope the Island isn't as boring as this." Ayame came back from bathroom and said "Oh I wouldn't bank on that." Kurama said "Ayame's right. We're not on vacation, you know." Kuwabara said "I know, but couldn't they at least just give us a place to eat? With pretty waitresses?" The captain said "Alrighty maties. Turn your eyes to the captain's deck. It's still going to be quite a time before the ship finds her way to the harbor. So we'll be having some entertainment to keep you from getting rowdy." Kuwabara said "Ooh!! I knew it! Some dinner and dancing!" Captain said "The preliminary battles of the Tournament will be fought here on my trusty ship!" Kuwabara said "Say what?" Ayame said "I should've know. No wonder those demons were laughing as I came from the bathroom." Hiei said "A preliminary for the competition." Kurama said "Now that we can't go anywhere." As the ship started shaking, Kuwabara says "Earthquake!" Hiei said "Fool. There can't be earthquakes on the water." Kurama points and said "Look!" As the middle of the ship came apart, a giant circle fighting ring came out. Kuwabara said "Whoa! That thing's huge!!" As the ring stopped in the middle of the ship, Captain said "She's a real beauty, ain't she?" The Demons were shouting in joy. The Captain said "Now I'll tell you it to you straight. Fifteen teams have already been chosen for the Dark Tournament. They're awaiting your arrival. That means, out of all of you on my ship only one team will compete in dry land." The demons started arguing. Kuwabara said "Hold on, I thought we were the special guests!" Hiei said "This is the way they operate." The captain said "All teams pick out your strongest man and bring him to the arena's port side. There they'll fight the battle Royale, and whoever comes out alive gets their team a ticket to fight on Hanging-Neck Island."

Kuwabara cracked his knuckles and said "So, one big beat-down, huh? Guess I'll have to show them the brand new Kuwabara super attack!" A demon stood behind Kuwabara and said "Yes I do prefer larger battles. One-on-one always makes me bored." Another demon said "An excellent chance to sharpen my claws." Another demon said "Now I can kill as many apparitions as I want to, after I turn that human boy Urameshi inside out, of course." Another demon said "And if we rip that Angel apart, we can profit her wings!" As they all laughed wickedly while passing by. Kuwabara stood there is fear and asked "Uh-what did he say about the human? You know these guys are pretty big when you see them standing right next to you and everything." Kuwabara laughs and points at Yusuke and says "Hey! That's right! You're the one who wants to fight them! Well I guess as the group leader it is your responsibility." As Yusuke continues to sleep. Kuwabara grabs Yusuke's collar and starts shaking him says "Hey! Wake up Urameshi! I said it's a group leader's responsibility!!! Why do I feel like I'm screaming at myself!!!!" Kurama walked up next to Kuwabara and said "Stop. The training Yusuke went through was apparently immense. You must give him time to recuperate." Ayame said "You should listen Kuwabara. When Yusuke asleep,  he stays asleep." As they look at her and then Kuwabara ask  Kurama "Then who's going to fight all the big monsters?!" As he said that, The masked fighter and Ayame walk towards the demons. Hiei said "It seems we have two volunteers. Good. I'm anxious to see what they can do." Kuwabara said "Are you serious? We don't know jack squat about that guy! And what if he loses and we get booted from the Tournament! And what if Ayame gets herself killed out there?" Hiei said "If that happens all we have to do kill everyone else on the before we reach the island. We'll say we're the right team and no one will complain. And if Ayame gets killed, that means she wasn't meant to fight with us." Kuwabara said "You didn't have too many friends growing up, did you?" As they walked up, The masked fighter asked Ayame quietly "Are you ready for this, Ayame?" She said "Yes." As Ayame changed into her preliminary battle fighting gear.

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