Chapter 11: Hard Fights for Yusuke/ Izumi's new Technique

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In Genkai's compound

Kuwabara exclaimed. Botan asked "Has Yusuke been beaten?" Kazemaru said "What a shame." Yusuke looks up seething at Kibano with blood dripping from the corner of his lip. Kibano said "If you say you give up, I'll let you live." As Kibano chuckles.

In Koenma's office

Koenma said "You don't seem to have a chance, Yusuke. But that's not the point. Just get up and attack him! It's your job!" Yusuke stands up and wipes the blood from his face and said "Oh well, guess you'll have to kill me." Kibano said "Ooh..... acting with reckless arrogance that only a kid could have. You probably think you're invincible. You've lost a lot of energy. I know because it's harder to see you in my mask." As Yusuke sidestepped to the right. Botan said "Yusuke can't go on like this." Kuwabara shouted "You better not die! Darn it!" Genkai said "Kibano is wrong about him. Even with the mask. Kibano's Awareness is limited by what he expects. In normal person, sure, power would have gone down from that attack, so that's what Kibano sees. But this brat's Spirit Energy has a very unique wavelength. It responds to desperation by getting stronger. He could win if he could see." As Kuwabara and Botan look at her stunned. Yusuke thinks "Hey, now there's an idea. If only I can get him closer I'd--" Yusuke exclaimed as Kibano gets close to him. Kibano said "I'll try to make this quick!" As he punches Yusuke. Yusuke grabs Kibano's arm and said "Now it's over!" Kibano said "What?" In disbelief. Yusuke said "See, this is all apart of my plan. Next, I'm going to break your arm!" Kuwabara said "Yeah! Do it! Then stomp on his face!" Kibano said "Not such a bad Idea. If I wasn't a master in every style of Martial art. Including grappling." Yusuke gasped. Then, Kibano grabbed Yusuke's arm and lifted him in the air and started spinning him around in the air. Kibano said "Here's my favorite throwing techniques! The Bonzai Missile!" As Yusuke was spinning, he was hurled into a wall. When he hit it, blood came from his mouth and he was farther away from Kibano.

Kuwabara said "When he's that far away he can't see, and when he's up close that guy does Judo moves on him! What's he supposed to do?" Botan said "The only way I see Yusuke pulling this off is with his Spirit Gun. But that's still impossible. He'd never be able to make an exact hit." Genkai said "Who cares, stop dwelling on the what-ifs. The reality is he can't see and he's about to get canned." Kuwabara shouted "You better get Urameshi! I'm not going to let you run out on me again!" Kibano said "I must admit... I feel guilty killing an amateur like you. Please tell me you give up and you can go back to your mother. I'll even open up an ear plate so I can hear your actual voice. I could just feel out your vocal vibrations. But surrender has such a nice sound." Yusuke said "Then sat it yourself! I'm winning this fight! Next time you attack me I'm going knock that helmet off your head. Then maybe I'll slap you around a little. If you can still move." Kibano growls and said "Don't you think it's a bit too late in the fight for you to bluff. We all know you're blind." Yusuke said "Maybe, But my mom told me not to make excuses." Kibano growled and said "Fine. Then I'll give you no more warning." As he powers up his arm, he says "Farwell, boy." As he jumps up into the darkness. Yusuke looks around. In the darkness, Kibano says " I will admit I'm surprised by how long you've lived but now it's all over." As Kibano got ready to attack, Yusuke powered up his Spirit Energy in his finger to see where Kibano could be. Kibano said "I can feel you trembling!! Your body's shaking with fear!" Kuwabara said "Watch out!" Botan said "Yusuke!" Kibano said "Farwell!" Yusuke pinpointed where he was and said "Not trembling idiot! I'm powering up! As he turned to Kibano, Yusuke said "Spirit Gun!" He then shot off Kibano's mask and cracked into pieces. Kazemaru and Shorin were stunned. Kuwabara and Botan rejoiced. Yusuke said "Woah!" As Kibano laid on the ground flinching in pain as he looked up at Yusuke. Kibano said "I-I don't understand what just happened. You can't see in here. How did you hit me?" Yusuke said "Why don't cha look at your belt before your eyes roll back." Kibano looks down and sees a cigarette in his belt. Kibano asked "What is that thing? You tracked me down with that?" Yusuke said "That's right. It was the cigarette Genkai was smoking." As he started to remember and said "Remember! She threw it at me at the start of the fight. I saw it on the ground a few minutes ago...still glowing. And while you were busy teaching me your stupid Kung-fu moves, I slipped under your belt. And after that... well hell, you know the rest." Kibano said "You...tricked me." Yusuke said "Yeah, well of course I did! And with that mask you couldn't see it." Genkai said "Winner: The Dim-wit." Yusuke said "That was close." Kuwabara said "Hey.... where did you learn to be so tricky anyway?" Botan said "It's probably from being a kid, trying to find reasons to skip class or not go to class." Yusuke said "Maybe." Kuwabara said "Hey...what was that glow-ball you fired at him?" Yusuke said "That's my Spirit Gun. See, it's like this big explosion of my spirit energy." Kuwabara said "So you're using a gun and I've got a sword. Don't cha think we're cheating?!" Botan said "Oh don't worry, Kuwabara. Just think of these weapons as extentions of yourselves." Genkai claps two times and says "All right kiddies! Let's start the semi-finals. The first match: Kazemaru V. Yusuke." Kazemaru said "I've waited for this." Yusuke said "Whoa old lady! Pick someone who's has a chance to breathe, okay!" Genkai said "If you want to get mad, then get mad at the one who drew the lot. And that's you." Kuwabara said "You're not a very lucky person at drawing lots, are you Urameshi?" Yusuke growls and said "Well, can you at least throw another cigarette?" Genkai said "No....we won't be fighting the Semi-finals in here." As the doors open, a giant light flashes through. Genkai said "Follow me." As the walk into an outside terrain. Yusuke said "Great, now I have to fight a dude who can shoot a giant energy blast out of his whole stinking palm and my little Spirit Gun is all used up." Botan said "And don't forget that one of those fighters might be Rando in disguise." Yusuke said "Oh yeah, that true. If Rando's hiding like as a human then there is only two guys it could be now. And there's something not right about that Kazemaru guy. Call it a bad hunch."

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