Chapter 30: Battle of Honor

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Rinku swung Kuwabara and said "How do you like this one?" As he slammed Kuwabara to the ring. Rinku picked him up with strings again and said "It's my take on Around the World!" As he slammed Kuwabara's back to the ring's floor. A few demons said "Now take your time with him, Rinku! No, hit him Harder! Give us breaking bones!" As Rinku kept slinging Kuwabara around. Koto said "What a glorious fight! The opponent is helpless! It's hard to counterattack when can't even move! I love it!" Hiei said "You see, I told you that Kuwabara's training wouldn't be enough. We'd best assume him dead and plan for the next fight." Kurama said "No, there are still some techniques he hasn't tried." Ayame said "Kurama's right. Besides, my fight is next and I got a feeling my opponent isn't like the others at all." As Ayame looks towards the demon woman fighter. As Kuwabara lies on the ground, he says "I'm gonna get you! You'll be screaming mommy!" Rinku sighed and said "You're like fighting a brick. How many times do I have to throw you around? Hey! I know exactly what to do! And I won't even have to work!" As Rinku focused his Spirit energy into the strings, he hoisted Kuwabara into the air. Kuwabara said "Wait! Uh, what are you doing?! I'm gonna get you!!" As he is lifted higher into the air.

Shizuru said "Well, at least baby brother is getting a good view of the stadium, right?" Keiko asked "How can you joke right now? Don't you know what'll happen if he falls?" Shizuru said "That's easy. He'll die." Botan said "Shizuru! You should be ashamed of yourself provoking her like that! Keiko is worried because your brother's life happens to be hanging by a literal thread!" Shizuru said "And us getting upset will make a heck of a difference, won't it?" As she puts a cigarette in her mouth and lights it. Kuwabara shouted "Stop it you brat!!" Rinku said "Just enjoy yourself! You'll be coming on down soon enough!" As Kuwabara squirms in the strings, he says "I don't like what I think he means by that!!" Keiko said "Yusuke. Yusuke! Yusuke?! How can you keep sleeping when your friend is in trouble with these nasty demons! Help him Yusuke! Get off your lazy butt and help him!" Koenma said "Whew! That girl has some real guts to be screaming for the human underdog in a crowd chock-full of demons!" Blue Ogre said "Yeah, kind of like sitting on the wrong side at an Ogre's football game!" Koenma said "She's liable to get hurt. Yo! Ogre! Go help them!" Blue Ogre said "Me! Are you crazy? I'm a scrawny little guy. You're the boss! You should help!" Koenma said "Me? Don't make me laugh! Yes, well true progress us achieved through adversity, after all. They'll be just fine. I would of course like to help, but when is Botan going to learn to handle things herself?" Keiko ran closer to the ring side of the seat. Botan said "Don't get any closer, Keiko! We're not on safe grounds!" Keiko said as she looks back at Botan and Shizuru and said "Maybe Shizuru's right and worrying won't make a difference, But I still have to try!" A demon appears in front of Keiko and says "What's the matter, little girl? You lost? Go on to your filthy home. This here Tournament is for apparitions only." Keiko said "You can't scare me with that talk! I know Yusuke's beaten creatures a lot bigger than you!" The demon said "Your boy's asleep. Too bad you can't protect yourself." As he stuck his tongue out, Shizuru burned it with the end of her cigarette. Keiko said "Thanks a lot." As Keiko runs down to the edge of the stadium. Botan said "So, I see where Kuwabara gets the need to defend himself growing up." Shizuru said "Yeah." Kuwabara said "You know it's really hard to take this serious! When a little kid, with yo-yos is the one who's gonna finish me!"

Keiko said "What's the matter with you, Yusuke! Your friends need you now! Think about that!!" Botan said "Hang tight, Kuwabara! I don't suppose you can fly, can you?" Kuwabara said "Uh? Oh, hey Botan! Oh sis? I didn't know you were here! I'd give you a better greeting but I'm kinda busy right now!" Koto said "Rinku seems to be hesitating! Why don't we ask the fans what they want!!" A few demons said "Finish him, kid! We've seen enough!! Make him splatter!! Let him drop!! We'll watch him fall! Yeah! Let him drop!" Rinku said "Say, guess that settles it. Gotta give my fans what they want. And they want a drop!!!" As the strings let go, Kuwabara started falling. Everyone was shocked. Ayame covered her eyes. Koto said "This is it, people! Get ready for a boom!!" As Kuwabara fell, he summoned his Spirit Sword and says "You just made your big mistake, Rinku! You should have never let me use my hands!!! Spirit Sword get long!!" As his Spirit Sword grew, it propelled him. He then uses it to shoot himself to Rinku. Koto says "Kuwabara makes a sensational recovery! It's time for the nitty-gritty!" Rinku said "So the sword absorbs your fall like a backwards bungee cord, huh? That's a pretty neat-o idea from a blockhead! There's one little problem though, you flying straight at me, just makes it easier for all my yo-yos to hit you at once! And you can't handle that!" As Rinku throws the Yo-Yos, Kuwabara says "My only chance for a hit!" As he summons his Spirit Sword.

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