Chapter 25: Kuwabara's Fight of Love

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In the fighting room

As they stand-off against The Toguro Brothers, Yusuke said "So I guess this is the big finish!" Kuwabara said "I can't wait!" Tarukane said in the press box "Hey! Toguro! Don't blow this!" Ayame smirked. The first club member said "Poor Tarukane. He's going to have a conniption before this finished." The fourth club member said "Can't blame him. It's not often that your whole financial future is bet on one match." The third club member said "Sixty-six trillion dollars!! The loser's got to sell everything from their cufflinks to their organs! Imagine that on your back! But Sakyo doesn't seem to mind! Do you?" The club members all started to laugh. Kuwabara asked "Hey, who are those people? They're watching us risk our lives like it's funny!" Botan said "It's awful!" Kuwabara thought "Have faith, Yukina. I'm gonna be with you soon!" The youngest Toguro said "If we get tired, please allow us to tap out." Kuwabara said "Don't listen, Urameshi. I got a feeling these guys are up to something!" Yusuke said "No joke!" As Kuwabara and Yusuke got into a fighting stance.

Blue Ogre asked Koenma "Do you need a back rub, Koenma Sir? You seem tense. Yusuke can beat them, right?" Koenma said "Well, probably not. But then, I've only seen them fight once, and that was many years ago." Kuwabara tells Yusuke by reading the Toguro Brothers Spirit energy "But judging from their Spirit Energy we shouldn't worry. They're weaklings!" Yusuke said "No wait. I can't really explain it. But my whole body's getting this weird vibe. It's like there's something big in here." Kuwabara said "I don't feel nothing." Toguro smiles and said "Ready, brother?" The Eldest Toguro climbed to his younger brother's hand and made himself into a sword. Kuwabara said "What's that little guy doing?" Yusuke said "I bet he's really popular at parties." Toguro said "You see my brother is able to transform the shape of his body. It's nothing, really." Kuwabara said "He just turned into a--a sword!" Toguro said "This is my brother's specialty. And mine..." As he screams, his Spirit energy and muscles grow. Yusuke and Kuwabara are shocked. Botan said "Oh, dear!" Toguro said "Further, my Spirit Energy surrounds my brother and makes him indestructible. You see, The Toguro's truly fight as one." As their energy blows out a big wind. Kuwabara said "Whoa, you feel this?" Yusuke said "What's up with his power? Damnit this isn't going to be easy. Botan step back!" Botan said "I'll try." As Yusuke said that, he sensed the Toguro's running at them. Toguro slashed the floor in between Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Botan. As they jump to safety, Kuwabara and Yusuke look down at their clothes and see a cut in their clothes. Yusuke thought "They're fast!" Kuwabara got angry and shouted "Spirit Sword!!"

As he did that, Toguro said as he swung his sword towards Kuwabara "Too slow." As their swords clashed. As Kuwabara tried to defend against Toguro with his Spirit Sword, Toguro was coming in with a punch to Kuwabara's stomach. But when Kuwabara jumped to avoid it, he actually got in the exact spot where the punch was going. As he got punched, he had flown into the wall. Yusuke yelled out "No!!!" Kuwabara stood up holding his stomach. Toguro said "Managed to step back just enough to avoid a fatal blow. I'm surprised you had enough intellect to do that." Kuwabara looked up at Toguro. Toguro said "But you won't have to scrape along the floor much longer. Come now, brother. Let's send him to Spirit World." As Toguro started powering up, Yusuke ran to his side. Yusuke said "Hey forgetting something, stupid? Spirit Gun!!" As he shot towards Toguro, he jumped into the air above Yusuke. Yusuke looked up and said "Maybe I didn't make myself clear! Shot Gun!!!" As he shot up multiple shots of Spirit Energy. Toguro made an invisible shield out of his Spirit Energy to deflect Yusuke's attack. Yusuke said "Son of a bitch!" As the smoke cleared, Toguro said to his brother "Yes, he must think quite low of us, brother. As if we can't deflect a little energy." Yusuke thought "Damn it!....Guess there's just one good way to stop him." Yusuke and Toguro run at each other, but as soon as Toguro tries to hit Yusuke with the sword Yusuke swiftly got close to Toguro's face. Yusuke said "How about point blank?" As he fired his Spirit Gun in Toguro's face.

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