Chapter 21: Yusuke's Sacrifice/Imprisonment Part 2

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At Maze Castle, in the Tower

All seven Suzakus stand around Yusuke, while Murugu flies around and says "I am so exhausted of looking at this dirty human! Can't you finish him?" Suzaku said "Of course." As all five of the Suzakus charge up the Prism of Torment. They all said "I'm sure you recognize this by now!" As they charge the blast, it's a weak. Suzaku said "This can't be! I've used too much energy on him! I can't form the attack!" Yusuke said "Well, it's that a heartbreaker. I've got enough energy to serve seven!!!" As he summons his Spirit energy into his fist. Yusuke shouted "Shotgun!!" As he shot through all seven. Yusuke said "Like I said, enough for seven...." As Yusuke started feeling dizzy and falls to his knees and then on his face. Yusuke said "And that's about it. Hey, this stone feel comfortable." As he looks up, he sees Botan, Keiko and Izumi still running from the zombies on the mirror.

Back at Sarayashiki Junior High

Botan, Keiko and Izumi are still running. Botan said "We've got to get to an exit!" As they keep running, Mr. Iwamoto said "You can't run forever, Ukimura!" As they run around the corner, a zombie hits Botan in the head with a pipe. Keiko catches Botan and says "Oh, Botan! Botan!!" As Botan's Communication Mirror falls to the ground, Izumi said "Keiko! Move back!!" Izumi throws a punch and knocks a few of them out. Izumi said "Is that all you pussies got!!" As one zombie stabs Izumi in the arm. Izumi yells out "Ah!!!!! Keiko! Go! Get out of here." Botan says "Run away." Keiko said "I can't you guys!" Mr. Iwamoto said "The community comes together when it's important, see. And correcting bad girls is very important." As he laughs wickedly.

At Maze Castle

Yusuke sees Keiko's predicament. Yusuke said "Destroying that whistle is her only chance. close by. He looks up and sees it's a little far from him. Yusuke said "It's far away.....Typical." As he crawls to it. Murugu gasps. As Yusuke gets closer to the whistle, Murugu picks it up and throws it a little further away from his reach. Murugu said "I'll never let you reach it!" Yusuke said "Really?" As Yusuke started laughing. Yusuke said "Well I was thinking a hot meal is just what I need. I bet you taste exactly like roasted chicken." As he points his finger at her, as he crawls closer. Murugu said "You're just trying to scare me! I heard you say you didn't have any energy left!" Yusuke said "Yeah, not enough to take down another Saint Beast, but I've got enough to deep fry a smart-assed bird." As Murugu gasps in fear. Yusuke said "But hey, if being lunch meat is something you've always been curious about, then go ahead. Touch that whistle again." As Yusuke threatened her.

In Koenma's office

Blue Ogre said "Oh, wow. Yusuke has learned a lot, huh? Six months he would have dumped all his energy into one blow without thinking about his next move. Now he's planned ahead-- I'm very impressed." Koenma said "No, actually Yusuke did use all his Spirit energy in the last attack." Blue Ogre said "But he said-- So he's helpless?!" Koenma said "Indeed, this is what we called a high-stakes bluff."

Back at Maze Castle

Hiei kept slicing up the human, while Kurama dealt with more of them as well. As Kuwabara started slashing through with his Spirit Sword. They stop and Kuwabara said "This blows, by the time we plow through all these weirdos we'll be too tired to help Urameshi!" Kurama said "Tired hands are better than none." Hiei said "Do what you like-- I'm not stopping." They start back slashing through and run. Kuwabara said "Okay guys I'm coming! Don't leave!!"

Back in the Tower

Yusuke points his finger closer to Murugu bluffing he will shoot her with the Spirit Gun. Murugu flies away in fear, Yusuke inches closer to the whistle and said "You're safe, Keiko." As Yusuke reaches for the whistle, Suzaku steps on Yusuke's hand. Suzaku said "Thanks for stalling him, Murugu. Of course, his efforts to scare you away were all lies. If he could still use his Spirit Gun, then he would have already destroyed the whistle." Murugu said "Of course." As she laughed nervously. Suzaku said "Your final attack. It's power was very impressive but I'm afraid it will not accomplish what you wished. It wasn't strong enough to kill me. And that will prove fatal for you." As he stepped on his hands, then kicks Yusuke in his side." Suzaku said "All your precious energy wasted on me." Yusuke stands up and said "Give me a break... Go look in a mirror. You're just as injured as I am." Suzaku laughs. Yusuke said "What?!" Suzaku said "You still don't understand the depths of my power, do you?" Suzaku takes the Spirit Energy from his clones. Yusuke said "Hey, that's their Spirit Energy." Suzaku gets the spirits and uses them to heal himself. Yusuke said "He's using the spirits of those six Suzakus to heal himself." Suzaku said "Let me ask you a philosophical question. If you take the lives of yourselves in order to save yourselves, is it murder?" Yusuke said "Freak." Suzaku said "Now, now, don't get emotional. I'll bring them back if they mean so much." And starts separating in to seven Suzakus again. Yusuke said "What the--? Oh hell." Suzaku said "Black Secret technique. The Prism of Seven Restoration!!" Yusuke thinks "After all that damage he's completely back to normal!"

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