Chapter 36: Percentage of Victory/ Troubled feelings

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After having a challenging relaxing day. Yusuke is pinned down with the struggle of not being able to use his Spirit Gun and with the sinking feeling of Toguro's strength. Meanwhile, a secret challenger on the Toguro Team wants Ayame's head on a platter and knows the identity of her master, will Ayame be able to defeat this opponent or will her emotions take her down. With Hiei still injured and the Urameshi Team morale dwindling, how will they be able to defeat the teams ahead?

In the morning

As everyone sleeps, Kuwabara tosses and turn in his sleep. He says as he sleeps, "No, tell them to go away." After that, he jolts up out of his sleep. Kuwabara breathing heavily in and out and said, "This isn't right. They shouldn't be here." As Yusuke eats the croissants, Kuwabara sits next to him, looking down. Yusuke ask Kuwabara, "What's wrong Kuwabara, don't like croissants? Stupid name but they still taste good." As Yusuke continues to eat, Kuwabara says, "I had a dream last night, Urameshi." Yusuke ask, "Was she hot?" Kuwabara scoffs and said, "It's about our next fight, OK." Yusuke said, "Ah, A nightmare. Must suck to get beat up in your dreams as well." As Yusuke laughs, Kuwabara says, "Shut up, that's not what it's about!" Yusuke said, "Sorry man, I don't feel like playing counselor today." As Yusuke took a bite of another croissant, Kuwabara says, "Well fine then, your dumbass couldn't understand it anyway!" Yusuke said, "Mmhm." Kuwabara asked, "Where's Kurama and Hiei, heck! Where's Ayame? They're good with stuff like this." Yusuke said, "Not here, and Ayame is usually a morning person too." Kuwabara said, "They're not here!? Well, where did they go?" Yusuke said, "Hell if I know but I am concerned about my sister not being here, maybe she's still shaken up about the fight and Keiko taking her frustration out on her." Kuwabara said, "What's with you people? Doesn't anyone know how to write notes before they leave!" Yusuke said, "Take it easy, take a relaxer. Our fight is starting soon and demons aren't exactly trusting and they wouldn't let us fight alone." Kuwabara said, "Yeah, I guess that's true." Yusuke said, "They will probably meet us in the arena." Kuwabara said, "Yeah, maybe you're right. But what about Ayame, she was so worried and upset." Yusuke said, "Relax, my sister maybe is sweet but she's not stupid or scatter brain. If anything, she'll probably meet us with Hiei and Kurama. Now that's settled, let's go kick some ass."

As Yusuke, Kuwabara, and the Masked fighter are walking towards the arena, a young man walked towards them. Yusuke said, "Looks like we have a fan." The young man said, "I'd say I'm a little more than that, Yusuke." Yusuke got close to the young man's face and said, "Wait a minute, JR on the forehead and squeaky voice. You're Koenma's older brother!" As he said in shock. Koenma said, "As far as I am aware, Koenma doesn't have any older brothers and I should know because I am him, as a cool teenager!" Yusuke said with sarcasm, "Yes, the pacifier for raving?" Koenma said, "Can it, boy! Yo, Kuwabara thanks for helping out Yusuke all the time. It's nice." Kuwabara says smugly, "Hey, no problem." Yusuke said, "Give me a break, all you do is give me someone else to rescue." Kuwabara said, "Hey, that's not true!" Koenma said, "Boys, calm down please." Yusuke asked, "So suckermouth, what are you doing here?" Koenma said, "Well, one I am your Spirit Detective boss and two, I am the owner of your team and three, I have a way to help. Yusuke Urameshi, you're egg is about to hatch." Yusuke asked, "Excuse me?" Koenma shouted, "Your golden egg, you moron. The egg of your Spirit Beast I gave you for life ordeal, remember?" Yusuke said, "I have no clue." Koenma said, "Brief recap, I gave you an egg that would hatch a Spirit Beast that would probably bite off your head." Koenma continues, "Which you chose to for go your choice of revival, by hatching the beast prematurely thus saving Keiko from a fire. This sacrifice was the true answer to the ordeal and boom! You're back to life but the egg stayed with me and it never hatched, only it's Spirit energy was released. Ever since you became Spirit Detective, the egg, unbeknownst to you has been feeding on your soul's merit and after a year, it will hatch." Yusuke said, "Hey, that's pretty slick, taking care of my egg and all that. You could've scrambled it and I would have never know." Koenma said sarcastically, "How insightful. But it's not hatched yet, so you'll have to depend on the skills Genkai has taught you for now, hopefully the Spirit Wave technique will be enough in this fight and Where's your sister?" Yusuke said, "Right, Spirit Wave technique, yeah never actually perfected that one. We were busy and my sister is around here somewhere." Koenma jumped back in shock. Yusuke says as they walk away, "Thanks for the info though, Koenma and that egg thing sounds cool." Koenma said, "Well, yes good luck." Koenma thought, "He hasn't completed his training with Genkai and that means his sister hasn't as well and with her not here makes it worse. I have a feeling that this fight will be messy, but ai suppose if Yusuke and his sister are ever to reach both their purpose, this is the only way."

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