Chapter 31 Family/ Flowers of Blood

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In the ring

Rumiko and Ayame were going head-to-head with blows. As Ayame kept dodging attacks from her dagger, Any free space Ayame would try to throw a punch at Rumiko. Hiei said "With her wings paralyzed, she doesn't stand a chance in this fight." Kurama said "You're right. But maybe Ayame has a plan." The demons said "Yeah, show that Angel no mercy!! Yeah, spill her blood all over this stadium!! Yeah, let's see some blood!!" Ayame thought "Damn it! I shouldn't have taken my eyes off her. That girl though, must be her daughter. Well, I can understand why she doesn't want to lose. But I can't afford to lose either!" While Ayame was thinking, Rumiko disappeared. Ayame said "Damn!" Rumiko appeared behind her and punched her out of the ring to the stadium wall. Ayame shouted "Aaah!" As she hit the wall. She was covered in the rumble from the wall. Rumiko walked to the edge of the ring and said "You are a child and you do not belong here. If your master was so great, he would have done a better job training you." After she said, an enormous amount of Spirit Energy exploded behind Rumiko.

Rumiko turned around and saw the rumble and a purple aura surrounding Ayame's body. Ayame jumped back into the ring, Ayame said "I don't give a Damn what you say about me, but you keep my master out of this." As Ayame looked up with her eyes glowing white, while blood ran down her face. Rumiko chuckled and said "Well, if you're strong enough to fight in this ring, then show me!" Ayame smirked and vanished. As she did, several flash images of her would appear in front of Rumiko. Rumiko said "Sweetheart, decoys won't save you from me!" As she took out her giant sword and slashed through every one of them. After she got rid of the copies, Rumiko looked for her. Rumiko said "Where are you, you brat?!" Ayame smirked and then trips up Rumiko. Rumiko fell to the ground, as she did, Ayame grabbed  Rumiko by her legs and slung her to the stadium's wall. As Rumiko laid in the rumble, Ayame said "Sometimes it's not what you see, but what you can't see that makes you dangerous." Rumiko groaned and jumped into the ring. As she did, Ayame disappeared again. Rumiko would look everywhere. Ayame would attack at any time. Kurama said "Impressive. She can't use her wings but she uses her spirit energy to dash quick enough to make herself invisible to her enemies." Hiei said "Yes, a brilliant strategy. But it won't keep for long." Kuwabara said "What are you guys talking about? Ayame's got this, besides her Spirit energy is off the charts. No way she's losing!"

As Ayame keeps attacking, Rumiko said "You're impressive, girl. But your technique won't work after this!" As Rumiko point her sword in the air, she waves it around as demonic energy pulses the sword. Ayame thought "What the hell? Shit!" As the wind and the pressure crushes the air, it weakens the body of any enemy. As Ayame was dashing, her body felt limp and her form started to come back. Rumiko said "There you are!" As she charged towards Ayame, she kicked Ayame into the air. As Ayame's body flew into the air, Botan said "Ayame!" Ayame's body started to fall back to the ring. Koto said "Well viewers, you might get splashed. Because a fall from that height could shatter anyone!" Ayame kept falling, until she heard Yusuke say "Come on sis, you can't fail now! What about Izumi? He's counting on you!" Ayame's eyes shot open quickly. As she was falling, she used her Shuriken and said "Spirit net!!" As a purple Spirit net formed on the ring, preventing her from the impact. Ayame's body bounced off the net into the ring. Rumiko said "You just don't know when to quit, do you?!!" As she shot a Spirit blast at her, Ayame jumped out of the way. As she dodged the blast, it blew away and burned half of the crowd. Rumiko said "Well, you sure dodged that pretty well." As Ayame held her bleeding shoulder, Rumiko said "That blast should have disintegrated half of your body or the whole thing." Kuwabara said "Hey! You could've killed us! And you killed those demons! Don't you care?! They're supposed to be your family."

Rumiko started chuckling softly and then laughed maniacally. Rumiko said "Yeah, you humans really are something. You think demons have those sensitive feelings?! We kill and if we fight, we fight to the death." Kuwabara growled. Rumiko said "So girl, do you want to finish this?" Ayame stood up straight and said "Wow! You are such a liar." Rumiko said "Oh yeah? And what, pray tell did I lie about?" Ayame said "Demons kill others and if we fight, we fight to the death. But a few moments ago, that little girl called out to you saying, "Mommy, get up!" You can't tell me you wouldn't protect her, if I...oh...I don't know....use my Spirit Shurikens to slice her head off and hold it in my hands, in..front...of.. you." Rumiko screamed out in anger and charged at Ayame with her sword. Ayame said "Oh, I thought demons don't have sensitive feelings like us humans!" As she blocked the attack, she kicked Rumiko in her face. After Ayame did that, Rumiko wiped blood from her mouth. Rumiko said "You've crossed the line! But it doesn't matter, without your wings, you're done. You'll be killed in moments and when I get that prize, I will get my honor." Ayame said "Tell me, Rumiko. What is your wish and your honor? What do you fight for?"

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