Chapter 5: Yusuke's Back/Ayame's Mission

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Yusuke's P.O.V

I said to Botan "There are two things I hate. Waiting, and being rushed. And what do you know-- that's all I've been doing lately!"

Botan's P.O.V

I said "Well Yusuke, important people like Koenma are always quite busy." Yusuke said "Those guys just like to keep you waiting to make you think that they're important. Besides, how busy can a toddler be?"

Koenma's P.O.V

I popped up next to Yusuke and said "I thought we agreed you'd stop calling me that." Yusuke said "Koenma!" I thought to myself "Maybe I should have brought Ayame back instead of the irritation." I said "Yo!"

Yusuke's P.O.V

I said "Don't sneak up on me! It really pisses me-" As Botan laughed and covered my mouth.

Botan's P.O.V

I said as I covered Yusuke's mouth "Hey Koenma sir, Yusuke was just wondering when would be a good time to bring him back to life." Koenma said "Aw yes, about that matter. It seems we're going to have to rush." Koenma said "Come with me!" As he grabbed Yusuke's hand and flew away.

Yusuke's P.O.V

We fly to this place where my mother is.

I said "Nice pad, my mom must've had good fire insurance." I look to side and see a picture of me and baby sister when we were newborns, I thought to myself "She was able to get this?" I ask Koenma "So are you going to put me back into my body now?" Koenma said "Not just yet."

Koenma P.O.V

I said "Energy of the body and energy of the soul have their own wavelengths. Unless the two are perfectly aligned, they can not join, which won't happen until Tomorrow."

Yusuke's P.O.V

I said "Wow! Starting tomorrow I'll be a human with real fists and everything!"

Koenma P.O.V

I said " Well that's the best case scenario. There is a small problem. The frequencies in your wavelength are interestingly enough lowly than some people. If you miss this chance tomorrow, you will have to wait awhile to realign."

Yusuke's  P.O.V.

I asked "How long are we talking about? Like weeks or months?" Koenma said "52 Years." I exclaimed and said "52 Years!!"

Koenma's P.O.V.

I said "Yes, but I think it'd be wise if you tried to do it tomorrow instead and in order for that to happen you'll need someone in the living world who cares about you at least a little bit to donate their life energy." Yusuke asked "You mean like a human sacrifice?" I said "Are you kidding? I'm not evil! They must give it to you through the lips." Yusuke made a surprised yet angry face. I said "I don't see what's surprising about that. Haven't you heard of mouth to mouth resuscitation?" Yusuke said "I guess so." I pull out my watch and said "It's time now." As I put my hands near Yusuke's face, I open up his body for when he can return his soul to.

Yusuke's P.O.V

I shouted "Hey! Why are you making me glow?!"

Koenma's P.O.V

I said "Standard Procedure. I'm opening the road between your body and the Spirit World, so the transfer could be made. In the morning,  your body will shine in gold. Tonight, while your body prepares, you must enter the dreams of the three people who want you back the most. Tell them each what to do, and if one of them understands the message and kisses you before tomorrow at midnight, then you will return to the living world." Yusuke said "Three people, huh."

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