Meeting Koenma/Enter the Guardian Angel: Ayame Urameshi

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Yusuke P.O.V

I said "So can you explain to me again about this place we're going to?

Botan's P.O.V

"The Spirit World! Yusuke asked "Right, but what is that?" I said "It's the realm where the people outside of the living world exist, including the person who will explain your ordeal."

Yusuke P.O.V

"And who is this stupid Mystery man? If someone has something to say to me, they should come to me! Botan said "His name is King Yama!" I said "What!? Are we dealing with Royalty now?"

Botan's P.O.V

"That's right Yusuke and you had better not be foul-mouthed or impolite like you usually are. He calls the shots and will send you to oblivion in a split second if he wants to."

Yusuke P.O.V

"Woah! Wait a minute I think we should discuss this! They arrive in spirit world. I said "Wow, everything so big! Is that the River Styx?

Botan's P.O.V

"Well of course, and just up ahead is the Gateway of Decisions."

Yusuke P.O.V

"Oh man, what a pad." As I and Botan stand at the gate.

Botan's P.O.V

"Botan here. I've got a new arrival with me." As the gates open.

Yusuke P.O.V

"It looks like a giant throat! Are you sure it's safe? Botan said "Don't whine." I said "Hey!" I thought "I wonder what this King Yama looks like? If he's running an operation this big, he must be gigantic and ugly, too. Now how can I fight a guy like that? Ah, I got it, I'll punch him squared in the nose and then while he's stunned I'll go for his eyeballs." I said out loud "I'll squeeze him still he's begging for mercy! See how he like taking orders!"

Botan's P.O.V

"What in the world are you muttering about?" As Yusuke ran into me. Yusuke said "Me? Oh, nothing." Botan spoke into the door intercom "Botan again, will you let him know I've Yusuke Urameshi with me here."

Intercom voice
"We're opening the gate."

Red Ogre said "I need information on Mr. Gen in two minutes!" Another ogre said "Mr. Pitts is ahead of schedule!" Another red Ogre said "Just give me the names of the people from the accident in alphabetical order."

Yusuke P.O.V

"What is this? The dead people stock exchange?"

Botan's P.O.V

As she opens another door, I said " Sir, I've brought you the boy you requested to see." I said as I bowed

Yusuke P.O.V

"I don't understand, is he invisible?"

Koenma P.O.V

"I'm right here. Look down. Yes, there you go."

Yusuke P.O.V

"This is the guy whose in charge?" Koenma said "Welcome, how do like my castle?" As he walks to his desk and sat in his chair.

Botan's P.O.V

"This is Yusuke Urameshi and he's honored to meet you. As Koenma stared at him. I said "Hey, are you trying to make me look stupid? Tell him how honored you are! Yusuke laughed. Koenma had a scowl on his face

Yusuke P.O.V

"That's good one Botan, but let's be serious okay? Botan turned pale. Botan shouted at me and said "Why would I lie about something like this, you moron!"

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