Chapter 15: Tarukane's Lust, Ayame's Fury/ Genbu, The Stone Beast

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In Tarukane's stronghold

Ayame was dusting off his pictures and the mantel where prized jewelry was. Ayame scrunch up her face at the pictures. Then, she heard Tarukane's voice. She stopped dusting and started polishing the jewelry. Tarukane said "That a way, girl. My jewelry looks like it could be sold for exchange for a soul, how new it looks." He then looks Ayame up and down, admiring her figure. Ayame said "Sir, I have finished dusting and polishing in this room. May I start in the next room?" Tarukane smiled evily and said "Not yet, first I need you to polish the ring that's on my right ring finger." Ayame walked over to him and kneeled down to polish the ring. Tarukane said "You know, instead of being my maid, you could be the wife of the wealthiest man alive, angel. What do you say to that?"

Ayame kept polishing and said "Your ring is polished, Sir. If you excuse me..." Tarukane pulled her chin to him and said "Hey! Did you not just hear my offer or were you ignoring me on purpose?" Ayame thought "As if I would want to be anywhere near you like that. Motherf**ker, I would rather be killed by a damn demon than sleep with this creature." Ayame said "No sir, I wasn't paying attention. I was just focused on polishing your ring." Tarukane smiled and said "You're so pure, it makes me want to deflower you even more. Excuse my lust." Ayame said begrudgingly but in a sweet way "Sir, I cannot fathom how great that would be. But sadly, I am just a lowly maid, I am not worth your time, so excuse me, Sir. I must get to the next room." Tarukane asked "Hey sweetheart, I have a more comfortable maid outfit to be in, maybe I should get it for you." Ayame said "A tempted offer, but I must decline, I love the dress I am in and I would just filthy up your outfits, Sir." Ayame thought angered "As if I would let you see under my dress, damn molester and pervert! I cannot wait to find Yukina, so I can get her and me out of here. Poor girl probably has had to deal with worse torture than me." As Ayame walked in the next room, she saw pictures of members of the Black Black Club defiling demons and humans for fun. Ayame looked in horror and said "These are not people, they are monsters."

The Butler said "Young lady, is there something wrong?" Ayame said calmly "No Sir. Everything is OK." The Butler asked "What is your name?" Ayame lied and said " Rani. My name is Rani." The Butler said "Well, young Rani it is a pleasure to have you with us." Ayame(Rani) said "No. The pleasure is all mine."

At the Gate of Betrayal

Yusuke and his group was still struggling to keep the gate from crushing them. The Eye-Bat said "This has always been my favorite part of the trial. Watching the way you squirm as your muscles begin to pop and tear under the ceiling's weight. But of course, the best is your eyes. Seeing the gears of thought turn into desperation, thinking, questioning yourself. How long can I hold this? Will I die like this? Will one friend betray us and escape while we flatten? Or should I be the one?" Kuwabara said "Just ignore that punk! Stick together! And if anyone tries to run, I swear I'll drag them back myself!" Hiei said "Huh. And I suppose you think it'd be noble if we all died as a team." Kuwabara said "That's right!" Yusuke said "Here's a thought. Let's shut up and find a way out!" As Yusuke looks over to wall and sees the lever to lift the gate. Yusuke thinks "If we could just find a way to that switch." Yusuke said "Hiei! You're a lot faster than any of us! We'll hold the ceiling up while you go and flip the switch." Kuwabara said "You crazy?! We can't trust that guy! Just look! He doesn't care at all about us!" Hiei said "Your ugly friend has a good point, Detective." Kuwabara said "Who's ugly?! Come here you mouse!!" Hiei said "Are you sure you want to trust me? I've already vowed to take my revenge on you. Maybe I'll do that now." Yusuke said "Yeah but I don't think quick deaths are your style. I'll let out all the Spirit Power I have left to buy us a little time while you run to the switch. Just don't trip. I trust you. Now go!" As Yusuke gave Hiei the heads-up to run. Hiei ran to the switch and got there and started contemplating what should he do. Kuwabara said "What's the deal?! Pull the stupid switch already!" The Eye-Bat said "There is no need to make snap judgements, my friend. What have they ever done for you? Leave them, and you can come with me into the castle. With the Invasion of Earth, the Four Saint Beasts will control the future. Be smart. Join us. Perhaps you can be the General of our demon army." Hiei looked at everyone.

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