Chapter 20: Imprisonment/ Seven Ways to Die

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In Tarukane's stronghold

Ayame said "Do you hear me! Ayame Urameshi! Remember that name, because it will be the last name you ever hear!!" As she zoomed down to Tarukane and punched him in his nose. As she stood up, she heard footsteps coming in close. She smirked. She said "Awake." As her Ankh got big and looked just like a sword. She put her Ankh in front of her and said "Slash all enemies to death, Barrage!" As thousands of shards of the Ankh stab, Slash, pierce through Tarukane's demon guards. Ayame shouted "Yukina! Run for it! Now! While Tarukane's passed out!" Yukina tries to run, but the demons come in for another attack. As they did, Ayame shot up towards the ceiling and said "Wings of sliver!!" As the feathers from her wings rained down on the guards. Bloody pulp scattered across the floor and blood painting the wall and dripping from Ayame's Ankh. Ayame lands to the floor in front of Yukina. Yukina looks at Ayame in fear. Ayame said calmly "Yukina, I'm sorry you have to see me this way." Yukina said "Ayame! Look out!!" Ayame gets slammed by one of the demons. He holds her down and said "You're strong, but you're still a woman. And all women have a weakness." As he tried to slink his tail and hand near Ayame's covered vagina. Ayame's Ankh skewered through the demon's balls. The demon screamed out in agonizing pain (Like a screech.) Ayame stood over him and said "That's what you deserve. You disgusting piece of shit!" As she stabbed him in his heart. Ayame looked over at Yukina and shouted "What are you waiting for?! Go!!" Another group of demons come up. The leader said "I think you've had enough fun. Now I'm going to end you." The demon grows and says "I am Gobo. And I have eaten my opponents and used their bones as my back-scratcher. And you, my dear. Will be no different." As he powered up, Ayame reached in her pouch and pulled out as small Shuriken. The demon yelled out "You're dead, human!!!" As he struck Ayame with his giant fist. Yukina looked up and screamed "No!!" As a giant crater was left there, but no sign of Ayame. The demon chuckled and said "That's a shame. I wanted to play with her more."

Ayame said "Aw really, well don't worry. We will." The demon and Yukina looked down the hall. Ayame said "Whoo! Man! If I would have taken any damage from that, I would've been a goner." Tarukane woke up from the hit and started to shake in fear. Ayame started dusting herself off, the demon said "That's impossible! You're-You're-You're... You're supposed to be dead!!" Ayame kept dusting herself off. The demon got angry and threw another punch, but Ayame jumped out of the way. Ayame said "Wow! You're supposed to be strong. I can't see it. And neither will you." As she flew up high, her Shuriken sliced off half of his head. Ayame rotated her right arm and said "Wow Tarukane! You're guys are weak! But you can only get those types of demons, huh?" Tarukane grinded his teeth. Ayame said "You tortured an innocent demon for power, you killed a man for trying to escape this hellhole, but the worse thing you did...." As she picked up Tarukane by his collar, she said "You touched me and thought I was some woman who would let you defile me just because you have money? You're nothing!" As she threw him across the floor. After that, a gang of demons jumped on Ayame. Yukina tried to reach out but was stopped by Tarukane. Ayame plunged her Ankh through the bodies of the demons and then vaporized them. Then, she started breathing hard and thought "Shit! There's too many of them. Guess I'll just slice through." As three teams of the demons came, Ayame used her Spirit energy to increase the size of the Shuriken to 10x bigger. She said "Slash all enemies to death, Astra Barrage!!!" As it was thrown, it slashed through every demon in its path. The blood splattered across her face and guts and blood all over the walls. She went to one of the demons corpse and stepped so hard on it's head so hard, until it bursted into a bloody puddle. As the demon's eye rolled close to Tarukane. Tarukane shuddered in fear, but mustered up the strength to grab Yukina. Yukina yelled out "Ayame!! Help me!!" As Ayame gets ready for another attack, she looks towards Yukina. Ayame thought "Shit! Damn you, Tarukane! You knew! Bastard!" While she was thinking, another group of demons came up behind her and ambushed her. Ayame said "Shit!" As they held her down, Ayame shouted "Shit! Get off me!! Get off me!!" As she struggled, Tarukane took a knife from his pocket and put it next to Yukina's neck. As Ayame kept struggling, her Communication Mirror fell out and showed Prince Koenma's t.v. a distorted video of what's happening.

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