Chapter 32: Dragon of the Darkness Flame

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Koto said "Would the next fighters please come forward!" Some demons were saying "Get yourselves together, Rokuyukai! You're a disgrace to all apparitions!! Pull your head outta your ass!!" Gondawara asked "What's this nonsense now? They had better get out there and score!" Koto said "Next fighters forward! Hello?!" Koto thought "What's a girl gotta do for new blood!" Then, someone walked into the ring. It was Zeru, Kurama said "What? Their team leader is fighting now?" Kuwabara said "But he should go last! Maybe there's a mistake--" Hiei said "No. Zeru is definitely the strongest of the four remaining. He's fighting angry. It's obvious he's not taking this seriously enough." As Yusuke turns over in his sleep, Botan said "Yes, and we're just the picture of professionalism!"

Koto said "Urameshi Team, can we get on with it here?!" Hiei said "I'll go, this one's been irritating me ever since last night." As he threw his scarf away. Koto said "Team Rokuyukai, Zeru! Team Urameshi, Hiei!" Hiei said to Zeru "I know a great deal about your technique." They flash back to what Zeru said "Let's just say that tomorrow will see you strongly resembling your coffee cup." Kuwabara said "What?" As the cup shattered, everyone looked towards Zeru. As the flashback ended, Hiei said "You harnessed heat energy with such great precision that it resembled a knife cut. But one of the edges was sloppily melted. You have your flaws." Zeru said "As do you, I don't think I need advice from someone who has to use a fake eye." Ayame said to herself "Say the man that has to come to someone's room to show off their power." Koto said "Fight!!" As Zeru let out a big burst of flames all the ring, pushing Koto out of the ring. As the fires touch Hiei, Zeru says "Not intimidating yet?" Zeru lets out a Barrage of flames, that go over to Team Urameshi and the crowd. The masked fighter jumps on the stands ring and puts up a barrier around herself and the crowd behind her, while Kuwabara and Kurama move away. Ayame said "Spirit shield!" As it protects her and people behind her from the flames.

Hiei starts laughing with cockiness in his throat. Zeru says "I wouldn't laugh just yet!" As Zeru sent a fire ball towards Hiei, making Hiei jumps out of the way of it. Koto said "Unfortunately Hiei was not charred by the fire! But there's more coming his way!" As Hiei dodges each fireball that comes his way. As he dodged the last one, it hits the stadium and some rumble falls in the stands. Shizuru said "These are some good seats." Hiei returns to the ring, Koto says "Zeru's blows are fantastic and Hiei must run for his life! Along with the good deal of the fan base." Zeru said "You've become so quiet now. Too frightened to notice any more of my supposed flaws?" Hiei said "Actually, I'm bored." Zeru said "Actually you're dead!!" Zeru shouted as a huge explosion of flames blasted through the stadium's open dome. Kuwabara said "This guy's kinda crazy." Koto asked "What's this? Oh, wow! His skin is changing color! He seems to be engulfed in heat!" As Zeru's skin turns red. Koto said "He's glowing like a poker!" Hiei chuckled, then Zeru stabbed Hiei through his stomach with his hand. As Hiei flies through the air, on fire, Koto says "Nice one!"

Kurama and Kuwabara gasped. Ayame shouted "Hiei!" Zeru said "I'm not finished yet." As he threw a Giant fireball at Hiei's burning body. Koto said "Wow Zeru! You never told us you could be so savage! I love it!" Kuwabara said "No-no I can't believe it!" Koto said "You see it yourself, people. Hiei is done." Keiko said "You really think he's beaten?" Shizuru said "I'm afraid he's a little more than that." Gondawara said "Well in the unlikely event I were betting on a team like that, I'd be pretty damn pleased with them now, don't you think?" Ayame thought "What the hell? Hiei is not no damn pussy! So why the hell is not getting up? If he's doing this for dramatic effect, I swear I'm going to cuss him out." Zeru looked at Hiei's burnt body and said "What a weak thing! You can rest in Hell." As Zeru walks away, Koto said "Well yes, that fight wasn't a long one. But when you've got scorching moves like Zeru's, a little goes a long way!" Hiei said "Yes. He's so talented I'm reluctant to make the kill." Koto looked back to see Hiei engulfed with flames, she said "Oh my! Hiei survived! He's on his feet! He's... smoldering!" Ayame said out loud "I knew Hiei wasn't no punk! Though, next time don't scare us like that, asshole!" As Kuwabara, Kurama, and Botan were still in shock.

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