Chapter 34: A Knife Edge Death-Match

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In the first round the tournament, The Urameshi Team takes the lead but with both Yusuke and Chu using up all their Spirit energy, will they be able to settle this fight without?

Koto said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, that was incredible, amazing, and just wow!" Chu said, "You've just blasted away all your Spirit Power, didn't you, mate. Now you're as weak as any other human." As Yusuke tries to catch his breath, Chu says, "I'm right." Yusuke said, "Maybe. But so are you." Chu said, "That's probably true, drango." As he chuckles. Chu says, "Then we'll have to settle this fight like a couple of manly bulls." Yusuke says, "I've got the balls." Chu pulls out to daggers and says, "Let's settle this with a knife edge death match." Yusuke looks directly at the knives and ask, "A knife edge death match?" Two people from the crowd said, "Did he say a knife edge death match?" The other said, "Yeah, this should be bloody." As Rinku smirks, Koenma says, "I don't like the sound of that." Kuwabara said, "A knife edge death match, huh." Botan asks, "What's that per se?" Kuwabara said, "I may have gotten into my share street fights now and then but I've never heard of anything like that before. But if I had to guess it involves a match to death with those knives." Keiko ask Shizuru, "Shizuru, what on earth is happening now?" Shizuru said, "Well they're going to keep going at it until it's all over." Keiko said, "But they'll kill each other, Shizuru. Why can't they just keep fighting until they call a draw, haven't they spilled each other blood enough? Haven't they?!"

Shizuru said, "Look Keiko, they're men. So, they'll never be satisfied until they figure which one of them wields a bigger knife." Koto said, "Let me take this opportunity and remind everyone that weapons are not off limits. That includes knives, swords, axes, and small rodents, but what is Chu planning to do with those two knives?" Chu stabs the knives into the ground. Koto said, "How odd, Chu decides to stab the knives into the ground instead into Yusuke. I say it's odd because the last time I checked the ground doesn't bleed as much as a person." Ayame said, "This will be very gruesome indeed." Kurama asked Ayame, "Clairfy what you mean about that." Ayame said, "With a knife edge death match, the two opponents have to put one foot in front of knife while to foot stays stationary. With this, when push back after any hits, your foot with the splitting motion." Chu says, "Take off your shoes and just put one foot in front of the knife." As they both got into their stance, Botan asks, "Now what is he making Yusuke do?"  Kuwabara grunts. Chu looks at Yusuke and says, "The edge of that knife is the edge of your world. That's the only rule in a knife edge death match, you don't step outside that line. If you do, then that means death and I mean death. I mean we fight with our bodies with no weapons. We fight until one of us is the last one standing. You think you can handle that?" Yusuke smiles and says, "No sweat."

Koto said, "Excuse me, Sirs. But it's really not up to you to make the rules around here. We have a referable tournament committee that is paid to do that." The demons started to grumble and shout at Koto. Keiko thought, "They really want to see him dead." Rinku said, "Man, I sure hope they let him do it. Chu kicks ass at the death match and he's never lost one of those before." Kuwabara said, "Well, hey hold it. Does no weapons mean Urameshi isn't allowed to use his Spirit Gun?" Botan said, "It wouldn't matter, his Spirit Power is all gone." Kuwabara said, "Oh. Man, that sucks." Kurama said, "Take solace, Chu has also exhausted his spirit Power." Hiei said, "Now that the fight has been reduced to hand-to-hand, it will be the one with the strongest head that will prevail." Kuwabara says, "There's no chance." Kuwabara shouted, "Urameshi, show that lush whatever you got left in ya!" The board put an X, mean no to the fight. Gondawara said, "The tournament committee must be crazy." Sakyo got up and towards Toguro. Toguro asked, "What should I do?" Sakyo said, "Oh, nothing. Has your gang, I mean esteemed colleagues arrived at their destination yet, Toguro?" Toguro said, "I have no idea, Mister Sakyo." After that, Sakyo walked out. As they got back into the ring, the x was removed off the  board and Koto said, "It seems the committee has appeal it's decision. And allow the knife edge death match to play out." As Storm clouds roll in, Koto says, "This latest development appears to be quite ominous. These clouds are clashing just as these two opponents are destined to duel. When their bodies, there's no telling who will be struck down first." As lightning struck the knives, the demons started grumbling, chanting, and shouting so that they could start the match. Koto thought, "Come on!" She said out loud to the audience, "Just hold on a minute!" Koto said, "Just a little longer!!" On the board, an O appears to allow and let the battle commence. As they did, Chu and Yusuke already throw blows. Koenma said, "I can't say I'm a big fan of this sorta of fighting. I almost don't even want to watch it." Blue Ogre said, "But we're ahead by two, so even if Yusuke loses, our team still has a chance to fight with either Ayame or the mystery fighter." Koenma said, "Don't succumb to foolish optimism, Ogre. It doesn't suit you. I would prefer not to entrust my entire team's fate in that man's hands. There's just something about him physically that just doesn't quite measure up." Blue Ogre then asks, "Well, what about Ayame?"

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