Chapter 12: Ayame's Past?/Rando Rises, Kuwabara Falls

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In Spirit World at night

After training all day and also meditating and levitating above a fire. Izumi was thinking about his master's story about her life and her family and her not knowing anything about them, bothered him, so he planned to sneak into the castle and find out about her.
Ayame sleeps. As she sleeps, Izumi pretending to be sleep. As she falls into a deep slumber, Izumi gets up and flies off to find Koenma. Izumi thought "Sorry Teach, but there is no way they don't know anything about your past or where your family is. And if they won't tell you, I'll find out for myself!"

At Genkai's place

As Kazemaru was knocked unconscious, Genkai said "Since he doesn't seem to be moving you'll just have to fight around. Come on, you two. Let's close up the Semi-finals." As the fighters look at each other, Kuwabara thinks "An easy win." As they get into position, Botan said to Yusuke "Out of all the fighters, Shorin was last on my list as a suspect." Yusuke said "Yeah, if you're going to disguise yourself. Why not look cooler?"

Koenma's office

Koenma said "The answer's simple Yusuke. Not everyone, believe it or not, is not interested in how groovy they look. Rando hunts in stealth. He's not concerned with Fame, or recognition. Only with increasing his powers. After stealing the techniques of ninety-nine psychics, no one has ever seen Rando's true face. At least, no one who lived long enough to brag. Yusuke should be happy Rando hasn't shown his true self. Maybe now he won't removes everyone's throat there." An Ogre said "Koenma sir, something strange is going on." Koenma asked harshly "Well, what is it?" The Ogre said "It felt like a powerful person was coming near the castle but the energy failed and disappeared. Then, a lightning storm started in the distance." Koenma said "Hmmm, odd." Koenma thought "Could it be Ayame? She might want to come and ask me for help with her new student. But I can't help her now, I'm far too busy dealing with how to keep her brother alive and trying to keep her from her finding out is achingly painful. I want to tell her, because she has been in the dark about this since she got her and Yami told her half of it, just like told him. I just hope that wasn't her." Koenma said to the Ogre "Tell security to be tight, we can't afford anyone to get in my office or in records, got it?" The Ogre said "Yes sir! Right away, Sir!"

Back at Genkai's

Botan said "If Shorin is Rando, then I'm afraid Kuwabara is out of his league." Yusuke yelled out "Hey Kuwabara! Wait up!" Kuwabara said "Don't try to give me your coaching advice, Urameshi." As Yusuke walks up to Kuwabara, he grabs him by his shirt to whisper in Kuwabara's ear and said "Listen,  you've got to pull out of this fight. You remember that demon I was talking about? Well I think Shorin is him dressed up." Kuwabara yells at Yusuke "I don't care who he is!! First of all, I'm gonna beat this guy and then I'm gonna grind you in the dirt! So don't try to get me out of it by making me scared! And second, you beat that last guy by luck!" Yusuke said "So, what's that got to do with this fight?" Kuwabara said "I'm not exactly sure! But I'm going to fight this guy. Monster or not!" Yusuke said "Why bother, you know I'd just beat you next anyway." Kuwabara said "Oh yeah? Well that would be true if it was opposite day!" Yusuke said "Stupid!"

Botan said "Hey! Would you boys please behave! This isn't Junior High!" Both Kuwabara and Yusuke told Botan to shut up. Shorin said "Please sir, may we start?" Kuwabara said "Yeah." Genkai said "Begin!!" As they both get in their fighting stance, Kuwabara said "I'll take you down in one hit!" As both of them charge at each other, Kuwabara punches Shorin in the face." Yusuke is shocked and said "What the...." Shorin said "I see this fighter will take more strength than I thought." Kuwabara said "Gee buddy, are you alright? That was just a warm-up shot." Shorin said "You needn't worry about my health, sir." Shorin charges at Kuwabara trying to land a hit or a kick. Kuwabara then hits Shorin in the top of his head. As he laid there, Kuwabara laughed and said "Our differences in strength is pretty big, huh?" Yusuke whispered to Botan "So, what are the chances of a demon being a total wuss? Maybe Rando been hiding somewhere here but not as a fighter." Botan said "Yeah." Yusuke said "Or maybe he was one of the fighters and he already got beat."

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