Wanda's wonders

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Wanda stares, grinning, her eyes filled with astonishment, "well no wonder you guys know each other so well!" She laughs and so does Natasha. You gently punch Natasha's side, and she raises her hands and eyebrows, almost as admitting defeat. "Please don't tell anyone, Wanda" you say, nervously.
Wanda then says, "I was never going too, it's not mine to say" you let out a huge sigh of relief "you were gone long, I just came to check on you guys.. it seems you're doing great without me though" she winks and walks off

As soon as Wanda leaves, you turn to face Natasha, who seems very happy. You scoff, "I was only thinking about it because of what you called me"
Natasha smirks, "what did I call you? I forgot"
You roll your eyes and walk off, back to the others, and you hear Natasha laughing behind your back. You shake your head and flip her off before you turn the corner, which just makes her laugh more.

You join back with the others, and notice the time. "I can't believe the time has gone so quick"
Peter looks at the time and raises his eyebrows, as he puts his cup down "well I'm going to sleep because I have school tomorrow"
We all say goodnight, and slowly all make our way to your rooms. It's only you, Tony and Natasha in the room. After a couple more minutes of talking, you start to yawn. "Hey can one of you show me to my room please?"
Natasha stands up and says goodnight to Tony, as she will probably sleep too.

Quietly, and slowly, you walk towards the elevator. The back of your hands touch, and you instantly look at each other. She intertwines her fingers with yours and you don't take your eyes off each other, until you hear the ding of the elevator.
You both walk out and Natasha says, "your room is here" she opens the door to hers, which conveniently, is next to yours. You open the door to your room and tilt your head up as you do. You turn around and see Natasha admiring your every move. You smile, "Goodnight Nat"
"Goodnight Syd" she smiles back and you both close your doors. You can't keep your eyes open for any longer and fall fast asleep.

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