"And In The End, Love Won"

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You walk out of the bathroom, slowly closing the door behind you. The realisation finally hit you; the love of your live, was downstairs all alone. You were selfish and putting your own needs first when all that Natasha needed was company. You make your way down to the medical room and see Natasha still lying on the bed. You readjust her pillows and recover her with the blanket she had covering her. You pull the chair closer to Natasha keeping her hand in yours. You grab a book from beside you and read out loud, hoping Natasha could hear.

Hours pass and you read the last sentence of the book, "and in the end, love won" you place the book down and move around in the chair you're seated in. "That was a good book" you hear Natasha saying, hoarsely. You quickly turn your head to Natasha who you see smiling at you. "Omg you're awake?!" Tears fill your eyes once again, and you grab hold of Natasha, embracing her in a hug. "Guess I am" she says, you both laugh. You gasp, "let me get the others!" You say, standing up. Natasha grabs ahold of your wrist and you stop in your tracks, "I just want to be with you right now" Natasha let's go weakly and you sit down once again.

It's been 30 minutes and you've just been staring at Natasha in complete awe. However, you have one question troubling you..why would Natasha jump in front of a knife for you? Well you understand that she loves you and all, but you just can't wrap your head around why she didn't hesitate, almost as if she knew Dee was trying to hurt you. You shook this thought from your mind, and only focused on Natasha being safe.

You hear footsteps tracing down the hallway and Tony peaks his head through the door. "You're awake?" Tony says, louder than he probably should've. You hear Wanda shout, "She is awake?!" And many more footsteps coming closer to you. Suddenly, the room is packed and you've been pushed away to the side. You're too tired to try get yourself back involved and sit down in a bed in the far corner. Before you know it, time slips by, and before you sleep, you see Natasha blow you a kiss.

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