The Avengers Have To Pay.

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"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" you place your hand on Dee's leg and she smiles softly. "I'll never forget that day" she looks away and you sigh softly. Dee clears her throat and sits up, wincing in pain. "I should get going, thanks for the help, Syd" she quickly leaves the room before you can get another word in and the door closes behind her. You grab your phone and spend the next couple hours reading and researching negative things about the Avengers, and as much as you hate to admit it, they didn't seem like much of a stretch from the truth. You wondered to yourself if joining the Avengers would've put more than a target on your back, and you wasn't sure if you felt safe.

A couple days pass, and you've started a new job at the same cafe from the attack. Everything looks back to normal but you haven't seen Dee since then.

***Dee's POV***

I grab my phone and send a message some people back home. "Mission has started. She will soon believe how horrible I'm making The Avengers seem, and will help me destroy them"
I look at the news from the day of the attack and I laugh at how great I looked up in the sky. I zoom in to a cut on my cheek and think to myself how much red compliments my skin. I laugh and set up a computer network, ready to watch Sydney's every move.


The past few days have really messed with my mind as more and more negative things come into light about the Avengers, and you're truly ashamed to of once been apart of them. You are still reading about them on google, and a sub heading catches your eye, with the name Loki in it. You click on it and it brings you to a page about how the avengers killed Loki just because they wanted an excuse to fight others. You gasp in shock and continue reading. It made sense, they were horrible people. Dee had a horrible experience with them, so who would you be for calling her a liar? You expected to be confused about all this, but honestly, things had never been clearer for you. The Avengers have to pay for their actions, and who better to help them Dee?

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