Is It Not Clear?

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You wake up from the sun shining brightly through your window. You slowly sit up and remember yesterday's events, through the pounding in your head. "I shouldn't have had that much to drink" you sigh and rub your temples.

You go downstairs and to get water, and get startled by Natasha sitting on the chair,  going through her phone. "Oh hey, I didn't see you there Nat" you tie your hair up using a hair band, but because it's so short, it mostly falls out.
" Did I tell you I like what you've done with your hair?" Natasha gets up, leaving her phone on the chair.
"No you didn't, but thank you" you smile and open the fridge, scanning the shelves. You hear Natasha walking towards you but you decide to ignore her. You feel a warm breath on your neck, making you hair stand on end, reminding you of familiar times. "What are you doing?" You say, still facing the fridge. You hear Natasha laugh softly, as she tucks the rest of your hair behind your ear "It's a nice colour too.. lighter"
You slowly turn around to see Natasha standing a couple centre meters away, and she puts her hand on the fridge door, almost like trapping you in her grip. You slide away from her grasp and she follows you, like a lost dog. "What do you want, Natasha?"
She gently touches your cheek with her hand, "is it not clear?" You blush and as you're about to answer her...*ring ring* it's Natasha's phone. You use the distraction as a way to escape from Natasha, and bump into Steve in the hallway. "Good morning Steve" you say as you rush past him not giving him a chance to reply. He then gives Natasha a confused look and she shrugs her shoulders.

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