When You're All Alone

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Bakugo coughed as he slowly regained consciousness, his throat dry and his head pounding from the slightest of his movements. Where am I...? Bakugo thought as he tried to open his eyes. As soon as he did, he slightly frowned in confusion. His vision was blurry and wherever he was, it was pretty dark. Definitely not a good sign, especially since he felt like he couldn't move either...

Suddenly, memories of what happened at the party he was previously at came flooding in, and Bakugo's eyes widened in realization. He was captured, tied up, and judging by how the dim light was most likely not coming from a window, probably below the surface as well. Shit...Fucking hell, how could I let this happen?!

"Ah, you're awake." Bakugo scowled weakly as he tried to open his eyes again and clear his vision. His head pounded even more, and he could barely concentrate as he felt his eyes protest and roll back, and his sore muscles scream in pain. The voice chuckled and Bakugo heard footsteps coming his way, and not long after felt a hand grasp his throat, luckily not tight enough to shallow Bakugo's breathing drastically and cause the blond to tense up from the dry fingers, one of which was missing from his neck. "I would've apologized, but you're not in the state to ask for an apology. You see, we chose you by random chance...Partially. We don't have any grudge against you, and although you may be partially bait for the heroes, we won't let you off the hook easily..." The hand around Bakugo's throat tightened and Bakugo gasped, trying to breath as he unsuccessfully tried to free his hands to explode the bastard who was choking him. His eyes opened wide and his vision covered in static as he continued to try to get some air, but to no avail.

Finally, just as Bakugo began to weaken his attempts on getting out, Bakugo inhaled, the sound echoing off what appeared to be a metal mask-looking mouthpiece. It was strange, since he could still breath and speak, but sadly, he couldn't bite the man, which seemed to be his last option if not for the bindings around his arms and legs.

"You know, you're going to have to pray that your attitude towards your teachers and classmates won't make them hesitate to try and save you." The man said lowly as he walked around him, his steps echoing before stopping behind him. "After all, I heard things weren't going so well with your violent behavior towards them. It's a shame, really...I can see why you would make a great hero, but they might overlook that and decide to leave you here to rot after all..."

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know shit, so cut out spewing nonsense out of your filthy-ass mouth!" Bakugo roared as he attempted to free his hands from the bindings. The man hummed in what sounded like amusement, before walking around Bakugo and standing in front of him, leaning dangerously close, at least if Bakugo wasn't restrained.

"If we think of you as the main character, consider me the observatory character, or the one playing the game and watching you..." The man stated excitedly as a smirk crawled onto his lips. "I know a lot more about you than you think, and despite your belief that my opinion doesn't matter, it's the most honest one out there, seeing as I don't particularly have a biased opinion on you. And you know what I see? An egocentric bastard who doesn't give a damn about the wellbeing of others, only caring about becoming the greatest hero based on pure determination and the want to beat up villains." Bakugo growled at the man and swung his head at him, but the man quickly retreated, avoiding Bakugo's attack.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I'm being nice to you right-"

"Shut the fuck up, psycho! Talking about life like it's a game...You really got a few of your screws loose. I don't give shit about what you think of me, so don't even bother-" Bakugo gasped as he felt something enter his mouth and fill it, not letting Bakugo speak. Bakugo yelled angrily, his voice muffled even more from whatever was now filling his mouth, preventing him from speaking, and the man let out an annoyed sigh as he turned around, speaking as he walked away.

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