Forgive but Recompense

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Bakugo, despite the stress he was supposed to be feeling, felt way lighter after having the talk with Kirishima. Although, much to Kirishima's surprise, even after they had calmed down, Bakugo had forced Kirishima to call him "the Katsuki fucking Bakugo", which almost forced the red-hair into another fit of laughter.

Although, despite the weight lifting off his shoulders after the talk with Kirishima, a new weight that felt even even heavier and more gnawing had settled onto him - Izuku Midoriya.

Kirishima had told him Midoriya was feeling extremely guilty about the incident, and he wanted to get to tell him that it wasn't his fault, and that Bakugo wasn't mad at him. He knew Midoriya was stubborn, and he wouldn't forgive himself until he either repaid it or apologized so much that he would start stuttering over his words. Most of the time, it was both.

Bakugo scanned the cafeteria, searching for the General's table and walking towards it, glancing around so that his classmates wouldn't notice him and question what he was doing. Finally making sure 1A was distracted, he sped up and slowed down casually as soon as he was close enough for the General students to notice him, which they immediately did, Shinso in particular.

"Bakugo? What are you doing here?" Shinso asked, Bakugo immediately hearing the loathing in his face.

"Where is he?" Bakugo asked simply, crossing his arms on his chest as he frowned.

"He clearly stated he wanted to be left alone." Shinso simply replied, turning away and casually starting to eat his food. Bakugo scoffed and quickly scanned the table to make sure he wasn't hiding in between the students, before glaring at Shinso one more time, who simply ignored him and continued to eat, before turning away and hurrying out of the cafeteria.

He knew Midoriya's way of thinking, and if much hasn't changed, then ...

Without knocking, Bakugo opened the door of class 1C and closed it behind him, immediately hearing surprised choking from the closest to the window.

"K-Kacchan! What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked, his voice trailing off as he glanced at Bakugo's hands, immediately noticing the bandages and reminding himself to be formal and polite. He owed it to Bakugo, and he wasn't about to act casual with him after what he'd put him through ...

"I'm here to reassure you or shit."

"What ...?" Before Midoriya could understand what the blond had said, Bakugo walked up to him, and pulling Midoriya by his collar, forced him to stand up. And then, Bakugo wrapped his arms around the greenette in a strange, but firm, hug.

Midoriya stood still, dumbfounded, and slowly tried to relax his arm which he had lifted since Bakugo had wrapped his own arms around Midoriya's chest. Midoriya stood hesitantly, not hugging back, and to be honest, not really enjoying it either. As rare as these hugs may happen, and as much as he should treasure them, Midoriya didn't understand what was going on and what he had meant by reassuring Midoriya, especially since–

"Um, Kacchan, what are you doing?" Midoriya asked hesitantly, his voice just barely above a whisper.

"Hugging you." Bakugo stated bluntly, and if not for the anxiety Midoriya felt, Midoriya would've rolled his eyes at the wrong yet right answer.

"I mean, why? Why are you hugging me?" Midoriya bit his lip as he felt Bakugo let him go and almost tripped as he tried to step back, the chair behind him not letting him get any more distance than the small step Bakugo had taken away from Midoriya, leaving Midoriya, unknowingly to Bakugo, vulnerable to Bakugo's menacing posture (it was Bakugo's casual, even his glare he had subconsciously put on, but Midoriya still didn't find it any less threatening).

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