hasegawa chiasa ;; network love.

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" all the little coincidences were purposeful set-ups by fate. "


[ i know chia and yue arent in network love but i have a headcanon that all gabi' and leia's ocs have worked in networkly somehow but because of johnny and seoyeon i will put her in neo zone industries just DON'T question why i titled it as network love pls ]

at exactly 6pm, a deafening alarm rang across the entire 7th floor of the neo zone industries office building. everyone instinctively looked up, gazes falling on the owner of said alarm.

chia had just rushed out of the restroom with another layer of red lipstick freshly applied. she hurriedly snatched her coworker yue's foundation and hastily put it on, earning a pout of protest from the latter. then, after she put it back, she looked into the small mirror on their shared desk and smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes.

" where are you going ? " yue asked curiously, " got a date ? "

" nope, " she replied, " i got a bus to catch. "

" since when did catching buses have something to do with makeu— " 

yue wanted to ask, but chia was already gone, leaving the lingering scent of her most prized possession— a bottle of french perfume she saved up for three months for.

" wow, " she muttered, " it's the perfume. must be the love of her life. "


it was, in fact, chia's love of her life.

but she didn't even know his name.

he was just another ordinary guy who took the bus to work and just so happened to get on and off at the same stations as she did. 

but he was hella atractive, and she found herself falling for him, and she found herself looking forward to their meeting every morning and evening. she found herself reddening at the thought of seeing him, and she found her heart skipping a beat whenever he talked to her.

on that particular day, she saw him at the bus station near the neo zone industries office building as well. after hesitating for a moment and hastily checking her reflection in the window of a nearby taxi, she slowly walked towards him, putting on her best smile.

" hi ! " she tapped him on the shoulder, " it's... it's you again ! "

" yeah ! " he broke into a grin as soon as he saw her, " what's up ? "

" nothing much, " she said, " just... yeah. "

" yeah. " visibly disappointed at her answer, he looked away and abruptly stopped talking.

goddamn it, chia. you could've said something better and kept the conversation going.

just as she was about to heed her brain's (terrible) advice and start another conversation, the bus arrived. the both of them mounted it along with several other passengers, then found a spot to hold onto as it began to move again.

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