yoon hanyeol ;; boss.

12 1 52

" you are just another rock amidst a sea of rocks,
but in my eyes you are the most precious diamond ever. "


" that's kinky. like this. "

" no, it's dumb. like you. "

" shut the fuck up, peach ass. "

" peach— what the— "

jungwoo opened the door and ran face first into two boys standing in front of the office desk, their hands stuck in a plastic candy jar. they shot him a glare before waving their hands dismissively and simultaneously, shooing him out of the room.

" not until i get answers. " he crossed his arms and sat himself down onto the couch, watching hanyeol and jaehyun struggle to get their hands out if the candy jar.

" you're probably wondering how and why we got into this mess, so lemme tell you right here, right now— it's totally hanyeol's fault. "

" it's jaehyun's fault. don't listen to his bullshit. "

" you're bullshit ! "

" bitch ! "

" hoe ! "

" asshole ! "

" just spill the damn tea or both y'all moms are hoes ! " jungwoo huffed, " about time something interesting happened in this boring-ass party. "

( flashback )

hanyeol decided to sneak into minhyung's office before he went off to have another shot at killing sicheng. he'd heard from zichen that there was a huge candy jar filled to the brim with candies of all kinds, and he definitely couldn't resist such a huge temptation.

he was really craving for some coke-flavoured candies these days anyway.

not, like, cocaine, you know.



the moment he opened the door, he came face-to-face with jaehyun, who was standing near the candy jar, his hand inside it, holding a piece of coke-flavoured candy. the only piece of coke-flavoured candy visible in the jar.

" hey ! " he complained.

without even thinking, hanyeol forward and stuffed his hand into the jar, prying at the former's fingers to try to get that one piece of candy. after an intense amount of in-jar wrestling, he finally got the candy.

at the cost of being stuck in the jar.

jaehyun stared at him in complete disdain as he watched him try to pull his hand out of said jar. " it's useless, man, why the hell did you even wanna fight me for that candy ?! there's thousands of others inside ! "

" it's coke-flavoured ! the only coke-flavoured candy in here ! " hanyeol whined, " and now i'm stuck ! "

" well i'm stuck too, so stop whining ! "

both boys glared at each other for an agonisingly long second before sighing in frustration, then looking away, trying to ignore the pain shooting up their wrists and the plastic jar making indents in their skin.

" you know, " a devilish thought crept up hanyeol's mind as he looked at his hand hanging limply on the edge of the candy jar, " this is like being handcuffed together, except with candies. "

" shut the fuck up, virgin boy ! " jaehyun rolled his eyes.

" i'm not— i'm— HEY ! " he whined again.

" you look like a virgin. "

" that's kinky. like this. " hanyeol shook his hand, rattling the candy har noisily, making jaehyun click his tongue in disgust.

" no, it's dumb, like you. "

" shut the fuck up, peach ass ! "

" peach— what the— "

( flashback end )

jungwoo was already rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off when hanyeol finished telling him the story. jaehyun was standing as far away from the latter as he could, his free hand massaging one side of his temples in an effort to relieve the growing migraine he was having because of the two boys' presences. he heaved a long-suffering sigh as he did so, wondering what sins had he committed that brought him such a punishment.

" aw, cheer up, bro, " jungwoo patted him on the shoulder after picking himself up, a huge, tea-sipping grin leaking out of the corners of his mouth, " at least you get quality bonding time with hanyeol ! "

" i do not want quality bonding time with him ! "

" yeah ! who wants quality bonding time with such a boring asshole ?! "

" HEY ! "

" HEY ! "

" shut up, kinky bitch ! "

" shut up, virgin boy ! "

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