yoon haneul ;; network love.

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" so many roads you could've taken and you chose the one leading directly into my heart. "


" psst. "

" jaehyun. "

" peach boy. "

" dimple boy. "


a loud shriek shocked jaehyun awake from his nap. he sat up in a flash, hurriedly adjusting his tie, putting his jacket back on, smoothing his hair out, hiding his pikachu plushie, praying to god that his perfect reputation wasn't going to be ruined. in that instant, he swore he saw his perfect life flash before his eyes, disintegrating into dust in a snap of thanos's fingers.

he sighed in relief when he realised it was just haneul and not anyone else in the office.

thank god.

" what is it ? " he asked, not sure whether to feel annoyed or happy to see her. after all, she was his girlfriend, the one girl he loved with his entire heart, but she committed the sin of waking him up from a godly nap.

" it's almost time to go home, so let's have some fun, shall we ? " she held up a pack of poker cards and grinned.

" who else is playing ? " he said warily.

as if on cue, ahn, haechan, sicheng, yuta, kiki, johnny and taeil tumbled into the office, all of them looking away and biting the insides of their cheeks to prevent themselves from laughing out loud.

jaehyun heaved another sigh, a sigh of exasperation this time. he smoothed out the creases in his jacket before taking the pack of poker cards out of haneul's hand and heading out of his office. " come on, let's go. "


" okay, the rules are simple. everyone draws a card from this desk. there's one king card and nine cards ranging from A to 10. the card you draw is the number you go by for that round. whoever gets the king card can make anyone of any number follow their every command. " haneul explained as she shuffled the cards.

" if you shuffle and you get the king card, i swear to god- " ahn huffed.

" you're only pissed because she gets to shuffle this time because you did that exact same thing last time. " johnny scoffed.

" there was a last time ?! " jaehyun frowned.

" yeah, while you were busy snoring your ass off in your office with your pikachu plushie. " yuta grinned like a playground bully. " haneul was yelling in your ear and you still didn't hear a thing. it's a miracle you heard her this time. "

" sh0shut up ! " he could feel his cheeks growing red hot as he looked away.

haneul finished shuffling just as their little bickering session ended. she held the cards out and let everyone draw one before taking the last one for herself.

" okay, now open up. "

everyone turned their cards face up. ahn let out an excited squeal as he jumped up from his seat and did a little dance, then picked his card up to show everyone what was on it.

the king.

" nice ! " sicheng grinned.

" so, what do you want us to do ? " kiki asked.

" hm, let's see. i want number 3 and number 6 to exchange jobs and positions for an entire day. tomorrow. "

taeil and haechan looked around, searching for number 3 and 6. their eyes widened in surprise and enthusiasm when they realised who those two lucky kids were.

" dammit. " jaehyun muttered under his breath as he looked away from the bright red '3' on his card, " i shouldn't have played this damn game. "

" yes ! " haneul cheered as she flashed her card, showing a number '6' on it, " ceo yoon haneul here to rule ! "

as if they were high school kids pouring out of school after the dismissal bell, everyone got up and headed out of the meeting room when the clock struck 6pm. they all shot meaningful grins at the couple before going home, some even saying,

" see y'all tomorrow, secretary jaehyun and ceo haneul ! "


jaehyun arrived at his office early in the morning, only to see haneul sitting in his chair, war flashbacks of the game they played last night flashed before his eyes as he let out yet another long, long sigh of exasperation before going over to her.

" hey, haneul. "

" hey ! " she broke into her signature smile, which would normally cheer him up in a millisecond. today was not a normal day, though. 

" so... "

" so, " before he could even speak up, she stuffed a stack of files into his hands. " go print these, and... and get me a coffee, please. double ristretto venti half-soy nonfat decaf organic chocolate brownie iced vanilla double-shot gingerbread frappuccino extra hot with foam whipped cream upside down double blended, one sweet'n low and one nutrasweet, and ice. "

he heaved the nth sigh that day as he headed out, mentally regretting asking her to make that long ass coffee order on her first day. oh, he could almost imagine that petty, smug grin of vengeance on her face right now as she looks into her mirror and puts on yet another layer of lipstick like a mean girl.

the day was just beginning, and he already wanted it to end.


" come on ! " haneul pouted, crossing her arms as she glared at her 'secretary', who was glaring back with twice the anger and resentment.

" no ! "

" yes ! "

" no ! "

" who's the boss now ?! " she brought out her ultimate killing strike, making him sigh again. he reluctantly headed over to her, then placed his hands over her shoulders, giving her a good massage.

as he did so, he recalled all the things she had made him do throughout the day- print stacks and stacks of documents, get snacks for almost everyone he knew, get a super long starbucks order for her, rewrite the terms and conditions for a contract three times, type out a long ass meeting log from scratch... et cetera.

" i've never heard of any ceo giving a shoulder massage to their secretary. " he mumbled under his breath as he pressed her shoulders.

she breathed a sigh of satisfaction. " you do realise that i'm the ceo today, right ? and that you ask me to give you massages almost twenty times a day ? i'm just returning the favour. "

" i'm sorryyyyyy ! " he whined.

the alarm on his phone rang at just the right moment, signalling that it was now 6pm. he took a step back and cheered in excitement as he watched haneul stood up, pouting.

" i still haven't had enough fun. " she said as she headed over to the coat hanger to get her things, ready to go home.

but before she could do so, jaehyun grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back, pinning her to the wall. his gaze turned sharper and fiercer as he reached upwards, pulling his tie off in a rough manner, throwing it onto the couch without a care in your world. she gulped anxiously like a lamb being preyed on by a wolf, cowering a little, wondering what he was going to do to her. 

when he spoke up, it wasn't his secretary voice speaking anymore. it was his ceo voice, very deep, very charismatic, very sexy, very, very dangerous. 

" you've had your fun, now let me have mine. "

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