moon gabi ;; a miss peregrine au.

14 1 67

" when i'm with you,
danger seems like a good thing. "


" if you would kindly stop ogling at the candy, miss ? " haechan rolled his eyes as he grabbed the girl by her wrist and forcefully dragged her away from the candy arranged in a shelf built into the cashier counter at the entrance of the supermarket.

" but— but those candies ! did you happen to see their expiry dates ? " gabi exclaimed, a little too loudly, perhaps, " immortal food ! "

" they're not immortal ! " he sighed, " they just expire later than whatever cholera-filled shit you eat in the 1940s. "

" we had very proper food in our loop, mind you, " she shot a playful glare at him, " not the fiddlywinks you eat these days. no wonder people of the present have such depleted intelligence— their brains've all melted off from all that immortal junk you consume ! "

a few teenagers gaped at her strange accent as they passed by, muttering amongst themselves about how they might be child actors practicing their scripts.

they were most definitely not actors. and children. nope. not at all.

" please just shut up, will you ? " haechan pleaded with her, " you're acting like a medieval knight. "

" oh, we didn't have knights back in those days, but we did have someone who might've been one. his name was mark, and he had skin that was impenetrable— made of metal, possibly— and dear me, he was one of a kind. " she sighed dreamily.

for some reason, his expression turned sour at the mention of another boy. another boy who managed to catch her eyes with ease and make her swoon about him.

" enough about this canadian boy, " he huffed, pulling her into the clothing aisle, " we're here to shop for clothes that don't make you look like a goddamn boomer, not chit-chat about your ex-boyfriend. "

" how did you know he was canadian ? " gabi raised an eyebrow, " he was the only canadian of our lot, pretty mild-mannered too, and ah, those round titanium glasses... those starry eyes... "

haechan touched his glasses, who were round and also made of titanium. he sighed and took them off, stuffing them into his backpack before continuing with his shopping.

" hey, " he motioned for her to come over as he pointed at a flowery sundress, " does this look good to y— "

before he could finish, a loud scream echoed through the entire supermarket, followed by several deafening crashes. people all around them broke out into a panic as they began to stampede towards the nearest exit, not wanting to get trampled by the crowd or the falling shelves.

a sharp pain stabbed him in the stomach, making him double over, gasping. it was like someone was trying to drill a hole in him, but the drill was constantly shifting directions, sometimes left, sometimes right...


he managed to whisper out before he blacked out momentarily. gabi nodded understandingly as she rubbed her palms together, readying herself for a fight.

the next shelves that crashed were only a few metres away from them. haechan shakily stood back up, snatching a metal hanger off the ground, though he himself wasn't very sure if it would be of use at all.

and then, wading through a sea of glass shards...

was the monster.

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