moon gabi ;; some fantasy au shit i made up.

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" you make this world a thousand times more magical. "


early in the morning, gabi plopped herself onto a seat in front of the counter and heaved a long, long sigh.

the bartender, chaeyoung, immediately got the ingredients and began making a glass of her favourite margarita. while she worked, she casually chatted the girl up.

" something wrong ? "

" everything ! "

" everything ? "

" yeah, " gabi pouted, " you see, last week... "


it was a known fact in the human world that all animagi were expensive prizes that earned them bragging rights, so it wasn't uncommon to see some poor human-animal hybrid being chased down the streets by hunters dressed in black. most of the times, they were caught and dragged back into an underground lair, where they were sold to the highest bidder and never associated with freedom ever again.

animagi were always trying out different ways to suppress their animal forms or body parts, whether taking drugs or straight up doing amputations. they did their best to look human and act human, but alas, they can't hide the truth forever.

gabi made a mistake.

she showed her true form in front of her best friend.

and her best friend ratted her out.

in an instant, hunters were closing in on her location, sending her on the run. she managed to hide out in the stairwell of a company where no one ever dared venture in.

but just when she was about to catch her breath, the pounding of heavy footsteps against concrete stairs made her tense up all over again. without even thinking, she began sprinting upstairs at top speed, trying to shake the evil men off.

she sure didn't expect someone to rush down from the upper levels and crash into her.

in an instant, the two of them fell against the wall, the stranger on top of her, his hand pressed against the wall, perfectly shielding her from the hunters' lines of sight as they whooshed past them and continued their hunt.

just when she thought everything was over, she saw a hunter push the stranger aside to get up the stairs, making them lurch forward before they could balance themselves.

she felt warm lips smash onto hers, the cold, spicy taste of spearmint candy seeping into her mouth. a sweet smell of cotton candy seemed to come with the mint, making her close her eyes and melt into the—


before she could even comprehend what was going on, the tingling sensation disappeared, replaced by a high-pitched shriek.

gabi opened her eyes and found herself standing in front of a rather good-looking boy. he wore a dark trench coat with a white shirt and black pants inside, and faded rainbow streaks could barely be seen hidden inside a mop of brown hair. the boy's skin was tan, sun-kissed, as if he was a glowing light in a dark, musty stairwell.

that look of disgust on his face ruined everything, though.

" what the hell did you do to me ?! " he complained before she could even open her mouth to protest.

" i didn't— i— "

she tensed up immediately as she put her hands over the top of her head to feel for her cat ears, hoping they were gone and that she had resumed her disguise. to her relief, they were.


" woah, " her jaws dropped open when she saw the cat ears on the boy's head, " you're an animagus too ? "

" i'm not ? " the boy frowned, tilting his head to the side like he was an actual cat.

" but the ears— " she pointed at his head.

his eyes widened as he ruffled his hair and his fingertips brushed against soft, fluffy cat ears. another loud shriek escaped his lips, which would've attracted the hunters' attentions if she hadn't clamped a hand over his mouth and forced him to shut up.

" i'm not— i'm completely normal ! how the hell— "

realisation dawned over the both of them as they simultaneously let out soft 'woah's.


" you turned a boy into a human-cat hybrid by kissing your animal form away ? " chaeyoung frowned, " so, like... you basically donated your cat form to him ? like... you... how the hell...? "

" yeah, " gabi sighed, " i'm completely normal now, which is good for me, i guess, but him.... "

" what about him ? "

she sighed again. " he keeps insisting that it was my fault he turned into an animagus. now... i'm stuck with him. "

" stuck with him how ? "

as if on cue, the bar door creaked open, revealing said boy. he was just as good-looking as gabi had described him, and the fluffy black cat ears on his head seemed to enhance it more. there was also the tip of a tail peeking out from between his pants, which made chaeyoung want to laugh.

he threw his backpack onto a nearby chair and sat down beside her while complaining his ass off. " who knew hiding my animagus form was so tiring ?! "

gabi sighed a long, suffering sigh for the nth time that day.

" meet lee donghyuck, my new roommate. "

// yeah no bold of you to assume i was finished. might make a sequel for this idk //

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