end !

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[ SE0KMlNS ]

to : bestie.
from : leia.

hey luv ! you've reached the
end of my bestie anniversary
project for this year !

we made it.

thank you for being there,
for spamming my books with
your comments, for posting
those ily messages on my mb,
for writing network love and
fearful and everybody hurts
and we must love and coming
home and irregular nights and
as you wish and everything else !
thank you for making me feel
like i was the most special
person in the world ! thank you
for showering me with all
that love, for tolerating my
weird shit, for being my bestie !

i'd choose posting that stupid
misgendering message no matter
how many times i was asked to make
that choice again, because no matter
how embarrassing it was, it still led me
to you. it let me to the loml, the one
person who lit up my darkest times,
the one person i'd spend my entire life
on wp with— you !

so you remember one thing (or like
a lot of things) : i am here for you.
just like how you're there for me.
always will. you don't have to hide
your feelings here. you don't have
to be good or be perfect or live up
to anyone's expectations because
in my eyes, no matter who you are,
you are special. you are the best.
i am proud of every choice you make,
whoever you choose to be, whatever
you choose to do. i can and i will
give you my entire heart and if i
could, i'd take a flight to the philippines
right now just to give you a hug.

i love you ❤️
saya cintamu 🧡
我爱你 💛
mahal kita 💚
j t'aime 💙
te amo 💜
aishiteru 💘
te quiero 💕
ผมรักคุณ 💖
ich liebe dich 💞
Я тебя люблю 💗
jag älskar dig 💝
நான் உன்னை நேசிக்கிறேன் 💟

( 💌 )

bestie anniv 2020Where stories live. Discover now