song eunrae ;; 911 .

12 1 70

" oh it's just like magic ! "



[ i don't know how many times i'll say this but i won't ever get tired of saying i love writing henderae sm because they have such a realistic but diabetes inducing relationship it's like they're actually REAL ]

hendery spent an entire night figuring out his new ps5 .

by the time their little cuckoo clock said six am , by the time eunrae had finished washing up and eating breakfast , he had collapsed on the sofa , worn out and asleep . it was a good thing he didn't have shift that day — otherwise she could only imagine how much he'd suffer during work .

as she tiptoed over to the living room to get her keys , he stirred , squeezing out a few words between a loud yawn :

" you're ... you're going already ~ ? "

eunrae nodded , smiling . " don't worry about me , babe . go get your beauty sleep . if you want that charcoal mask you saw me use yesterday , it's in the second drawer on my vanity . "

" you ... really don't want me to ... ? " he nodded sleepily . 

" i can manage myself for a day . "

eunrae decided to take a longer walk to class that day . the sun was particularly warm that morning , and the air was particularly fresh , and the weather was particularly windy , and it was just an overall great day for a leisurely walk , so she took her chance . 

as she strolled down the pedestrian's section under her apartment building , she spotted a boy running towards her . it happened to be hendery , not quite fully dressed ( a peppa pig onesie does not count ) , with an umbrella in his hands . upon noticing her stop , he picked up his pace , skipping towards her .

" h - hey ! " she promptly burst out laughing at her boyfriend's actions , " why do you have — why is there an umbrella ?! "

" i got it for you ! " he said , very much proud of himself .

" but it's sunny ? "

" it's gonna rain , trust me ! " 

she burst into another fit of laughter , attracting the glances of an elderly couple nearby . wrapping him in a tight hug , she took the umbrella from him .

" i'll buy you fries if it rains . "

( after class )

it was already night by the time eunrae finished all her lectures , printed out all her study notes and finished her business at the library . as she exited the building , she caught sight of a very familiar figure sitting like a lost puppy on the stone steps outside .

" hendery ! " she gasped , " what are you doing here ! "

he hastily stood up , expression pouty like a little girl who got into a fight at the playground and refused to apologise .

" just to clarify , " he said , " i wasn't waiting for you . i just ... passed by , and saw you coming out , and i came to find you . yeah . "

then he stuffed a cup of boba into her hands .

" you even got me boba !? " she exclaimed .

" i didn't ? " he plastered on a comical fake grin , " i got it for myself , but then i read somewhere that boba is high calorie and high sugar , and i wanna have xuxi's abs so xiaojun can stop flexing on me , and then i accidentally strolled near your place , so ~ "

eunrae nodded , pretending to understand him . " okay , but i'm the only one who drinks taro matcha milk tea in this household , so ... you ain't slick . by the way , have you eaten ? "

hendery looked up at the slowly setting sun dipping behind the university library building . the sky resembled a tie dye shirt , clouds coloured in a massive swirl of blue and orange and pink and purple . 

" not yet , " he said , " i bet you haven't had dinner too , right ? a coincidence ! let's go eat together ! "

she burst out laughing at his sudden enthusiasm . sure , she had no idea why he was being a proud little kid all of a sudden , but she liked .

" okay , sure , if you insist . " eunrae played along , letting him take her hand in his , " shall i treat you to mcdonald's ? "

hendery nodded excitedly . " do you wanna drive too ? "

" yes , i wanna drive . come on , babe  "

[ enjoy this pointlessly sweet thing thank u verivery much <3 ]

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