yoon haneul ;; network love.

13 1 58

" i'm your trash can— just dump it all
inside me. "


haneul was on diet.

but she really, really, really wanted to eat.

but the guilt would eat her up before she even touched the food.

but her hunger would eat her up before the guilt even touched her.


" ugh ! " she groaned, collapsing onto the couch in frustration.

jaehyun, who was on the couch, slowly drifting off to sleep after two hours of refreshing his twitter, jolted awake, flashing a playful glare at her. he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in close while continuing to refresh his timeline for no apparent reason at all.

" babe, you're losing weight, " he noted, " you should... you should eat more, you know. "

" i caaaaaan't ! " she whined, " i'm still fat ! like, have you seen kiki ? i look like a damn potato compared to her ! and besides, the annual company dinner is coming ! i need to look good ! "

" okay, but a little food won't hurt ! " he shrugged, planting a hasty kiss onto her forehead, " don't think much about it, alright ? you're still my baby even if you're fatter than a pig. besides, being thin does not necessarily mean you're healthy. "

haneul pouted, crossing her arms. " i know. i wanna eat too, but i know i'll feel guilty as fuck after this. "

jaehyun chuckled softly, continuing to refresh his dry ass twitter timeline. he had exactly zero (0) unopened notifications since last week, and the trending tags were just random things like #networklydispatch or #leetaeyong or #milk or #christmasiscoming, which he could not care less.

that is, until an idea sparked in his head.

he eyed haneul, who was leaning on his shoulder, staring blankly into space, her naturally resting pouting showing. a smile crept up his lips as he cleared his throat, catching her attention before speaking up.

" i'm hungry. "

sure enough, she sat up almost immediately, her eyes widening.

" what do you wanna eat ? " she asked, falling into his trap.

" i don't know, what do i wanna eat ? " he asked her back on purpose, hoping she'd fall further in.

" you wanna eat pizza. " she replied smoothly.

he nodded, opening up a food ordering app, scrolling through the choices. " do i wanna eat hawaiian pizza or double cheese pizza ? "

" double cheese ! "

wow, smooth. jaehyun nodded understandingly as he placed the order for one large double cheese pizza, hopefully she'll actually eat when it arrives, or my evil plan will go to waste.

fifteen minutes later, the pizza arrived. he gingerly placed it onto the coffee table, opening the cover religiously, letting its mouth-watering smell waft all over the living room. haneul straightened up beside him, her eyes practically shooting lasers at said pizza.

jaehyun almost laughed out loud when he saw her gulp.

" do you want some ? " he asked her, despite already knowing the answer.

" but... i'm on diet ! " she protested weakly, rubbing her tummy while pouting, " i can't just eat whatever i want ! "

" oh well, " he shrugged, " i'll just have it all to myself then. "

with that, he tore a slice off the pizza and began munching on it right in front of her. sure enough, her eyes widened a little bit more and she scooched closer towards him, licking her lips as if she was the one eating that pizza.

he noticed her subtle reaction and grinned, reaching for yet another slice of pizza. the entire process repeated for about two more times until he ate half of the pizza, then turned to her.

" what a shame, " he said, fake regret practically dripping from his tone, " i can't finish this. i'll have to throw— "

" that's so wasteful ! " haneul caught his hint right away, " think about the starving people all around the world ! we gotta finish it ! "

" but i'm stuffed, " he replied, " i'll need someone to finish this for me, but i can't ask you because you're on diet and— "

she attacked the pizza almost immediately, already halfway through a slice by the time he snapped back into reality.

" i'm... i'm not on diet anymore ! " she mumbled through a mouthful of pizza, " just this time. only because you can't finish it. i didn't order it, i didn't ask for it, i didn't eat it. i'm just picking up your leftovers. "

jaehyun smiled, poking at her puffed out cheeks. he planted yet another kiss on her hair, then picked up his phone.

" on second thought, i'd like some drinks after eating pizza. what should i— "

" boba with extra pearls and brown sugar ! "

he nodded obediently, placing yet another order while stealing a few glances at his contented girlfriend. the same contented smile on her face found its way onto his as he leaned back into the couch.

" you're really cute, you know. "

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