moon gabi ;; round 3.

10 1 36

" you're the one i reach for even if there are thorns or prettier roses in my path. "


gabi still felt a pang of guilt every time she looked at donghyuck.

if she hadn't run into that office building, if she hadn't collided into him at the stairwell, if she hadn't trusted her friend so blindly in the first place...

he wouldn't be in this mess at all.

but she also found him incredibly cute when he wrapped himself in his blanket like a human burrito. the fact that he was feverish and delirious ached her heart, but he still looked adorable nonetheless.

gabi placed a glass of warm water and some medicine on the bedside table, then went to wake him up.

" hey, get up. " she shook him gently, " you can't pretend you're a burrito forever. you gotta take the damn pills. "

he whined and shrunk into his blanket a little more.

" lee donghyuck ! " she huffed, crossing her arms, " don't be a fucking fetus ! "

" but i am a fetus ! " he complained.

" you're not ! you just got tasered and suddenly fell sick for some reason ! "

donghyuck peeked out of his blanket and whined a little more. reluctantly, he sat up, his hair tousled and messy and knotted, his mouth curved into a downward pout. the cat ears on top of his head flattened themselves ever so slightly, indicating his emotions. then he whined for the nth time before taking his medicine.

" it sucks. " he feigned puking it all out, earning a smack on the shoulder from gabi.

" if you puke i'll make you wash your own sheets. "


" hello ? "

more silence.

gabi blinked once, then twice. the boy sitting in front of her seemed to be frozen in time as he stared straight at her face, his mouth hanging open in a small 'o', his eyes wide open, his face slightly red due to the fever. his cat ears had also perked up during his trance.

she smiled awkwardly at him before reaching out to take the glass from the bedside table, wanting to head out before the atmosphere got any awkwarder.

but before her fingertips could brush against the glass, she felt herself get pulled in.

somehow, he had snapped out of his trance and grabbed hold of her hoodie, pulling the hood over her head, bringing her close to him. their lips collided before neither of them could react, a collision of strawberry cheesecake ice cream and the lingering smell of spearmint mouthwash.

somewhere during their kiss, he felt her arms snake around his waist, probably for balance. the both of them had closed their eyes and melted completely into the kiss, a continuation of that short, brief kiss they had in that stairwell three days ago. this one was much more preferable and enjoyable, honestly, probably because they were in the comforts of their home with no hunters chasing them.

when they broke apart from the kiss, things were just at the right temperature, not too warm, not too cold, though donghyuck's fever may have gone up a little more and gabi may be a little redder than she remembered herself to be. they looked away for a brief, awkward second until a small detail was noticed.

" gabi. " he pointed at the top of her head, where tabby cat ears sat quietly. a tail swayed gently, peeking out from under her hoodie.

she instinctively clapped a hand over the top of her head, gasping in surprise when she felt her cat ears come back.

" it's back ! " she exclaimed, " but how— "

" did we kiss it back ? " he frowned.

she shrugged, grinning widely. " well, what matters now is that things are over ! we can.. we can go back... to our normal lives now... "

her face fell when she realised what she was saying. she only agreed to let donghyuck stay with her until they found away to reverse the thing that had happened to them. yet the kiss that they shared, the very kiss that confirmed their feelings for each other...

it started something. and it ended something else.

" so... i'm moving out ? " donghyuck asked, his cute pout returning to his face again. (in gabi's opinion, he didn't even need cat ears to look cute.)

" i guess. " she sighed. she had no choice. she couldn't just keep him in like he was her pet or anything. " just... promise me you won't rat me out. "

" i wont. " he said, but his tone took a turn into the hopeful side as he continued, " but we can still see each other, right ? we can... uh.. go on... dates ? "

she broke into a smile when he said that, even though a small part of her heart kept telling her that he was feverish and delirious and wanting to date her was probably just a weird side effect of the fever pills she gave him. nevertheless, she chose to believe it.

" yeah. we can date. "

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