jeon chiwon ;; wonderland.

33 1 31

" why look at stars when i can look at you instead ? "


things were finally okay. 

they were finally okay.

chiwon could barely believe it, but it was true. they were in a safe haven. a real safe haven. no one could find them anymore. no one would get sick anymore. no one could force them behind walls for inhumane experiments anymore. no one could tell them to give up their freedom for the greater good anymore.

it was all over.

chenle found him sitting on a cliff, looking at nothing in particular. the both of them had arrived at that spot with the same goal in mind : to escape the noise and excitement of the bonfire below.

the sky was dark, with only a few stars scattered over it like an artist's carefree splash of glitter. it loomed over them with its soothing, calm presence. like a warm blanket that was just right, not too stuffy, not to cold. the moon shone radiantly amongst the stars, sometimes bright, sometimes dim, like the world's biggest silver plate. 

waves gently lapped at the bottom of the cliff, sounding like a natural, sleepy lullaby. the sea sparkled in the distance, slowly moving in and out, splashing quickly but not too noisly. the occasional squawk of seagulls and other birds could be heard, not very annoying, more like a slight addition to the calming sea view.

" so, " chenle piped up after a long, long moment of silence, " what do we do now ? "

" rebuild, i guess, " chiwon replied, mentally savouring the former's honey-like voice, " get a life. or something. "

" get a life. " he snorted, " like we had one before anyway. "

" i mean like... get a life with the people we love. we could, i don't know, uh... get a life together. " he looked away sheepishly, hoping the darkness of the night could conceal his blushing face.

" so, we... ? "

" aren't we... you know ? " 

" oh wait, we are ? "

chiwon gave him a light kick in the shin. " dude, you kissed me ! aren't you gonna take responsibility ?  "

" you kissed me first ! " chenle retorted, pouting.

" no ! "

the two of them stared at each other for another long, long moment before they burst out laughing together. sure, their laughs were louder than the average human being, but compared to the crowd down there, their laughter sounded soft and meek. and a bit lovey-dovey.

" i guess we are dating now. " chenle muttered under his breath.

" no, we're stargazing. " chiwon said jokingly.

the former shot a look of disgust at him, just as a devious idea began to form in his head. he snuggled up closer to his boyfriend and intertwined their fingers together, then said,

" why look at the stars when i can look at you ? you're way prettier. "

that earned a shudder of disgust accompanied by multiple eye rolls. 

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