hasegawa chiasa ;; GYUYOUNG BIRTH !!

11 1 76

" i've decided that i'm not your fucking friend . "


chia was never one to be jealous ( or so she said ) .

but today was her birthday .

of course , jace never failed to stay up till 12am to be the one to wish her . he'd been doing so for three years . not like he ever sleeps before 12am anyway .

sicheng was second , probably because his boyfriend kept pestering . all he did was send a nice " happy birthday :) " message to her , but she found it oddly cute and endearing .

then her friends and her colleagues wished her . hell , even the gang of students from the nearby seoul high who always hung around in the 7 - 11 she worked at gave her a loud " HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! "  and some bright smiles during their usual snack raid .

but the rooftop did not .

more precisely , he did not .

" oh my god , he did not ! " jace sounded more offended than she was when she casually brought it up while watching him put up the balloons on his wall .

" he did . "

" make him say it ! does he know it's your birthday ? a man should never forget his lady's special day ! " 

" you don't even have a lady ! " she rolled her eyes , " why do you keep insisting on lady talk ? "

he didn't answer . he just took a long , hard look at the letter balloons on the wall , then reached out to straigthen a few . letting out a satisfied sigh , he admired his " masterpiece " .

chia , on the other hand , was definitely not admiring it .

" how the hell did you manage to spell out HPAPY BORTHY CTHI SEED  from HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHIA ? "


chia watched her friends try to decorate the house for her party ( fix jace's massive spelling issues , actually ) for another half an hour before she headed to the rooftop to have a smoke break .

jace's apartment building was taller than hers by a few floors , with a less broken roof f of concrete , ventilation fans , water pipes and other things she couldn't quite name . it wasn't like she smoked a lot up there anyway — the lack of things to sit on and the somewhat incorrect city view always irritated her to no end .

but hey ! if you're desperate enough , any irritating problem can be solved , right ?

she sat down on a water pipe ( that looked strong enough to hold her weight , of course ) , taking out her lighter ( it had never been the same ever since her signature pink one went empty ) .

the door creaked open before the fire could light the cigarette between her fingers . out stepped someone she expected to see but definitely did not expect to see at the same time , his presence making her eyes go wide with surprise . her fingers loosened their clasp on the cigarette , letting it fall and roll into some deep dark corner stuffed with spiderwebs . she clicked her tongue in distaste .

" what , are you pissed that we share the same rooftop again ? "

" no , i'm pissed because i know why you're here . "

" oh , why ? "

" jace , " she squeezed her bestie's name out through gritted teeth , " he told you to get over here to wish me a happy birthday . " 

much to her surprise , youngho laughed out loud . it was an amused laugh , like he was watching a clown perform . and the clown was her .

" i don't even know who jace is ! "

" wait , you don't ? "

god , i've been talking to about him to the damn bitch for so long i forgot they don't even know each other !

that thought barged into her brain like HPAPY BORTHI CHTI SEED .

she gave him a meek smile that reeked of regret . " then ... why are you here ? "

he shrugged . " because someone named jace told me to get over here and wish you a happy birthday . "

" wait , for real ? "

" no . my sister soojin lives here . " 

chia rolled her eyes . her hand was itching to land a good smack on him now , and she did not like holding back . hence , with that thought in mind , she raised her palm and landed a good one on his shoulder . it came out well enough , the sound being so loud the evening wind didn't even carry a single decibel away .

" ow ! " he exclaimed , teasing smile turned upside down into a confused frown , " what the fuck was that for ?! "

" nothing . "

he raised his arms in surrender . " fine . my sister doesn't live here , and even if she did , she would never let me smoke . "

" so ... "

" yeah . someone named jace told me to get over here and wish you a happy birthday . "

chia wasn't about to fall for that bullshit for a second time . she pulled out her lighter and made a small flame , though the wind carried it away in an instant .

" if you try that again , i swear to god — "

his next action made her jaw drop in surprise . youngho pulled his phone out of his windbreaker pocket , unlocked it , then showed her his last chat .

> hewo
> u might not knwo me
> but lije yea
> do u know chia !!!
> ikyk chia
> go say hdb to her
> it her birthfya
> she sad cuz u dindt
> anywayz shed at my hosue rn
> u knwo
> the address
> it in one of mytiktoks 
> yes i have tno provacy idc idc

chia felt her fist beginning to itch again . 

" and you actually listened to him — "

he grinned , eyes never leaving her .

" why not ? it's not every day some guy asks me to search through his tiktoks for his address and makes me tell you happy birthday . " 

then he leaned a little closer , smile turning a little flirtier , gaze becoming a little lazier . she leaned backwards from surprise , a red hot blush creeping up her cheeks as she dropped her lighter into god knows whichever corner of earth .

" so yeah . happy birthday , chia seed . "

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