yoon hanyeol ;; misfit.

22 1 59

" describe you in three words ? reason i smile. "


when they first found him and put him in a temporary pocket universe, hanyeol did not expect himself to be rooming with a statue.

just for clarification, he didn't even know why the government considered him as a supernatural being. all he did was find his twin and realise that he'd get sore as hell if they ever wandered a tad bit too far from each other. he was completely human.

his roomie, as stated above, was most definitely not.

hell, he wasn't even sure if she was alive.

he remembered waving at her when he first entered the room, giving her a polite smile. introducing himself to her. asking her if she wanted the bed near the window or the bed near the wall and whatnot.

he remembered getting no reply.

she just stood there like an inanimate object, her large, unblinking eyes trained on him, following him with every step he took. 

he remembered calling the receptionist, an irresponsible tooth fairy who did not like teeth and preferred working in a hotel, asking her if she'd given him the wrong room.

" i'm a hundred percent sure she's real— she checked in by herself and even carried her own luggage ! "

" an ancient porcelain statue has luggage ? " hanyeol remembered wondering aloud, " what does she even need to carry ? poisonous lipstick ? eyeshadow filled with lead ? hairpins that can stab someone ? ugly long dresses ? "

" fuck you ! "

he turned around immediately, giving her a good, hard stare. still, she looked back at him, as still and inanimate as ever, though the tightness in her lips and her clenched fist gave her away.

" you don't like me criticising your fashion sense. got it. "

he went about with his day, getting to know zhuxin, fortnite dancing with san and whatnot. still she stayed in the room, basking under the sunlight that shone through the window, her red silk dress glowing, her dark brown eyes shining with curiositiy as she watched him do his stuff silently.

finally, after three more days of standing completely still, she spoke up.

" are you... magician ? "

hanyeol, who had just sat down and was about to devour a nice cup of ramen, turned to her.

" ....no ? "

she blinked. he jumped back a little, watching as she turned to stare at him, long and hard, the words tumbling out of her mouth slow and steady.

" you... are... a... magician. "

" i am not. " he huffed, " the only thing i do well is save electricity, probably. "

silence. the curiosity in her eyes seemed to heighten a little. 

" what's... electricity ? "

he tilted his head to the side, wondering how she could claim ignorance to something as mundane as electricity. then he realised that she was most probably thousands of years old and had spent most of her life in a glass box and possibly never got the chance to learn about stuff.

so he stood up, headed over to the light switch, and flipped. instantly, the light on the ceiling was turned off, and the statue girl let out a small gasp of wonder.

" ....that's.... "

" before you say anything, that is not magic. " he said, " it's electricity. it's a basic necessity now, and... everyone has it. can you walk ? i can show you if you come over. "

hesitantly, she stepped off the little pedestal she'd been standing on for the past few days. she took a few wobbly steps, like a baby who'd barely learned how to walk, hobbling over to stand beside him.

" you just... flip it, " he demonstrated, pressing the switch again. instantly, the light turned back on, illuminating the already bright room in another level of blinding brightness.

" wow, " she whispered softly, " what... what about... that one ? " she pointed to the minibar, where the electric kettle sat.

hanyeol smiled. " that one's the kettle, it uh, heats water. here, lemme show you— "


" you know, maybe if you'd taken the time to learn korean, i wouldn't have to fish out my high school english textbook, " he sighed, exasperated, " i mean... "

" i'm not interested in learning it, " yue pouted, " english and chinese is fine. can take me a really long way. "

" but you literally live in south korea ! "

" and the people here all speak english ! i have no problem ! "

" your english is a problem. " he muttered, continuing to flip through the books he'd brought to the hotel with him.

the both of them were currently sitting on the deck chairs arranged beside the hotel's private beach, watching the waves and the sky connect in the horizon while chatting with each other in terrible, terrible english. the head of a a decapitated victorian lady nearby eyed them from the table, probably horrified by their evil conversing skills.

" anyway... " hanyeol was about to change the topic when his eyes fixated on something in the distance.


yue noticed his eyes glazing over and decided to look in the same direction. she let out a soft " wow " of amazement when she saw the cute boy he was looking at.

" he's... pretty. "

" yes he is, " she replied, " are you supposed to ask his number ? is that what to do when you like someone ? "

" yeah. "

" should i... ask his number too ? " she mused, " he... "

hanyeol turned to stare at her in disbelief, his eyes larger and rounder than hers when they first met. 

" can't believe we share the same taste. "

yue grinned. " isn't there... a word ? for people with same taste ? yes ? "

he frowned, not understanding her thoughts. "  uh.... maybe ? what is it ? "

" bestie ! "

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