yoon haneul ;; the best of us.

13 1 81

" i think you'll understand too—
the dreams we dreamt together. "


the teacher was exceptionally angry that day.

so angry, haneul could feel his seething rage through the screen.

online class wasn't fun at all, and it sure got a hundred times worse when the old bitch asked everyone to turn on their cameras and exposed anyone who tried to lie to him that their mic was broken. she couldn't sneak in snacks or take a short catnap or stare blankly at the wayv poster on her wall or do anything except listen to him ramble.

but the entire class got two hundred times better with one sentence he said :

" whoever gets the next few questions wrong will need to video call jaehyun and let him tutor you until you get it right ! "



" OH ! " she gasped so loudly the teacher sent a glare directed at her, even though her mic was off. a field of flowers bloomed in her heart as she gingerly set her books aside, leaned back in her seat and waited for her name to be called.

sure enough, there it was.

" haneul ! "

" y-yes, sir ? " she asked, feigning some anxiety.

" what's the answer for question 1(a) ? you better get it right. " he eyed the camera threateningly, his glare probably audible even from miles away.

she eyed the math textbook a few inches away from her, sitting there, quietly waiting for her to open it. a smug grin wormed itself onto her face, only to be forcefully suppressed as she cleared her throat and belted out her answer as matter-of-factly as she could.

bold of you to assume i want to get it right.

" abraham lincoln. "

there was a loud slap coming from the teacher's mic. he'd thrown his book onto the table so hard the mic started making funny noises. his face was going purple from the anger and his eyes had a wild light to them, like he was going nuts from her very, very dumb answer.


haneul nodded apologetically, looking as regretful as she could despite the huge ass sunflower field already blooming under the bright sunny day in her heart. she wanted to give herself a standing ovation right then and there.

mission accomplished.


class ended, and her other class started.

jaehyun took the teacher's place in front of her screen, his dimpled smile looking as pretty as ever. his eyes had a sort of sleepy, lazy look, like he himself wasn't quite awake when he was dragged out of bed to listen to the teacher rant about math. his hair was messy, a little too bleached from the failed attempt at dyeing his hair during quarantine, matching his oversized grey hoodie perfectly.

oh, such boyfriend mater—

" hey, haneul, " he spoke up, his voice as nice as she remembered it sounding. " so... "

" so you have to tutor me, " she replied quickly, " unless you don't want to. i'm fine with that too, since the old boomer's just on his period today and i wanted to fuck with him a little. "

" oh, really ? so i can just hang up on you right now ? " he chuckled softly.

" you really hate me that much ? i thought you'd at least wanna chat a little after two months of quarantine and not seeing me. "

" haneul, we literally text every day. "

" fair point. " she shrugged, looking away before he caught the blush creeping up her face, " but video calling is way nicer than texti— "

just before she could finish her sentence, her mom came into the frame, setting down a plate of fruits on her desk. her eyes widened with recognition as soon as she saw the smiling on her screen, and before haneul could stop her, she blurted out a whopping sentence that made everyone scream.

" isn't this that cute boy with the dimples that you keep ranting to me about ? "

immediately, with a feral scream, she clamped a hand over her laughing mother's mouth and pushed her out of her room. panic rose inside her as she turned back to her laptop, where jaehyun was staring at her, clearing his throat awkwardly.

" so... "

" don't listen to my mom's bullshit ! i wasn't— "

haneul got interrupted again when she saw jaehyun's twin sister jinsoul barge into the screen. there was a meaningful, cheeky grin on said girl's face as she loudly yelled,


" SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I SNAP YOUR NECK— " jaehyun kicked her out of frame. the sound of the door being slammed could be heard before he sat back in front of the screen, his expression more awkward than before.

" oh, " haneul let jinsoul's words sink in as the blush on her cheeks grew brighter. " oh— you— "

he nodded gently, a rosy pink colour tinting his cheeks as he lowered his head and let his smile grow wider. somehow, despite the video quality being as shitty as ever, he looked a thousand times better, with the same old bad hair quality and normal grey hoodie and cute dimpled smile and...

" s-so... " he whispered, his voice barely audible, " i... "

" i-i know, " she blurted out a little too quickly and rudely, " a-and uh... i have to go, bye ! "

with that, she shut her laptop and let out a feral scream of excitement, her smile growing so wide she thought her lips might crack open like that japanese ghost story soonyoung told her. that grin evolved into a loud, high-pitched laugh as she shrieked into her plushie, still in disbelief at the series of events that just happened.


everyone knows they like each other.


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