jang seulchae ;; better days.

12 1 41

" love is, and is not, a coincidence. "


chae sat down at her usual spot in the front row of the bleachers in the school gym, overlooking the entire basketball. a handful of familiar boys ran around, yelling at each other to catch the ball or shoot properly or pass it over.

as usual, she placed the entire tray of milk cartons on the seat beside her, then took her own carton and began sipping slowly. some of the boys noticed her arrival and waved excitedly at her, then proceeded to notify their teammates to hasten the match.

when the game was over, they all crowded over to collect their milk, thanking her loudly. she smiled at them, waving it all off, telling them that the lunch lady was glad to have her help her give out the milk instead of having to do it herself.

as soon as the seat was emptied, seokmin took his chance and sat down next to her, making an excuse that his foot was cramping and that he wouldn't be participating in the next match. his friends groaned in frustration, giving him a good kick in the shin before heading back to the court.

" what's up ? " chae asked, " you're obviously not cramping. "

" nothing, " he grinned, " just felt like sitting down for a bit. "

" oh, really ? " she said, " then i'll ask you something. i've been meaning to ask you for a long time now— just didn't really get the chance. "

" spill. "

" you got so many cute boys on the basketball team, how about you introduce one to me ? " she winked at him.

to her surprise, his reaction was bigger than he expected it to be. his eyes widened and he straight up, glaring at her in an unthreatening but disgusted way.

" you ? " he spat, " to them ? "

" yeah, " she nodded, pointing to one of the boys preparing to shoot, " someone like him. he looks cute. "

" nah, " seokmin shook his head, " seungkwan's too dumb. his results are shit. he's gonna bring your iq down when your iq is already at an all-time low. "

" what about him ? " she pointed at another cute boy wearing a hairband.

" that's justin, " he said, " too pussy for you. you need a real man. "

" hmm... him ? " she pointed at a taller boy, yelling enthusiastically at his teammates after he scored.

" nah, mingyu's gay. "

" alright, fine. him ? " chae pointed at her last hope, the last guy she found attractive.

" hell nah ! " seokmin exclaimed, " don't you see the little hairband on his wrist ? he's taken already ! "

[ note : in chinese culture, a girl's hairband on a boy's wrist means he's taken, because the hairband is a backup for the girl in case she loses hers, so he can tie her hair up ]

" oh, yeah ! " she smacked her forehead, " he got together with morgan last week ! no ! "

" yep, " he sighed, " you got no chance. "

she followed suit, sighing as she set down her empty milk carton. " then... anyone else on the basketball team that you can introduce me to ? someone who's smart enough, isn't too pussy, isn't gay, and coincidentally did not get together with my best friend last week ? "

instead of answering, seokmin grabbed chae's hand. he folded her fingers back, leaving her index finger straight like she was pointing at someone, then turned her hand till it was pointing at him.

" me ! "

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