hae moonyoung ;; underneath it all.

13 1 64

" this really butters my croissants. "


" hey, you got bread ? "

on an unfortunate day where everyone had to work overtime, yuta overheard moonyoung ask raeil this. instinctively, he turned towards doyoung, who was, coincidentally, eating a piece of bread, then snatched it over.

" i'll give you one back next time ! " he quickly promised before getting up to run to her, only to be dragged back into his seat by yours truly.

" are you dumb ?! " doyoung reprimanded softly, " she doesn't want bread ! "

" then why did she ask raeil if she got bread ? " yuta squinted in confusion.

the former sighed, gently taking his half-eaten bread back and continuing his meal, " lemme explain. "

" you better— i ain't about to ask the girls. "

" i learned this from raeil after we started dating, and it's supposed to be girl code, so don't go spreading this to everyone in the office. " as he spoke, doyoung deliberately lowered his voice to a whisper, increasing the mysteriousness of the atmosphere.

" i promise i won't. " yuta leaned in like a little schoolgirl about to be told the secrets of the universe.

" apparently bread stands for pads, " doyoung said, " they replace the word so it wouldn't sound too awkward. "

yuta's eyes widened as he stared at his best friend, even more confused than before. " wait, for real ? "

" yeah ! " he replied, patting him on the back reassuringly, " now go get her the bread she needs— there's a 7-11 downstairs. "


yuta stood in front of the huge shelf of pads, hands on his waist, his expression perplexed. to say he was confused was a mild statement— he felt like he'd just gone back to elementary school when his teacher first talked about periods and he decided to sneak out of class because it sounded boring.

thanks, elementary school me.

he reached out for one, then retracted his hand when he saw a couple walk past him. then he reached out again, but retracted it again when another woman walked past. then he reached out, and with the speed of lightning, he swiped a random pack off the shelf and dashed to the counter.

" hello, i wanna pay— "

well shit.

the woman from before was there.

and, coincidentally, " the woman " was moonyoung.

she raised an eyebrow and signalled him to go first, lining up behind him and placing her bread on the counter.

" wait, bread ?! " yuta's eyes widened a little more as his gaze fixated onto said bread on the counter next to his pack of pads, " like, actual bread ?! "

" yeah, why ? " she asked, eyeing the pads, " it's food. nothing out of the blue. you, sir, however... what's with the pads ? "

in a desperate attempt to seem less awkward, he decided to pin the blame onto his best friend. " oh, uh... doyoung... doyoung told me it was bread, " he said sheepishly.

" ...edible bread ? "

" yeah. "

he wanted to slap himself. any person with half a brain cell would know that pads were, in fact, completely inedible. and yet, like a person who did not even have half a brain cell, he said he wanted to eat them.

well shit.

moonyoung stared at him skeptically for a long, long moment before she nodded understandingly. she took her purse out and paid for both the pads and the bread, watching as the dumbfounded cashier gave her her change, then took both products and headed out of the 7-11.

meanwhile, yuta was still standing there in confusion.

" hey, " she turned around and nudged him, " aren't you going ? "

" oh ! oh ! right ! " he snapped back into reality and hurried out after her.

the both of them headed towards the elevator lobby, standing with a bunch of other colleagues who had gone out for dinner and was just coming back. as they waited for the elevator, he took his chance to talk to her.

" so... the bread you wanted... was bread ? like... actual yeast-fermented flour ? and not... " he deliberately lowered his voice at the last word, careful not to let anyone around him hear it, " pads ? "

moonyoung nodded. a small smile crept up her face, accompanied with a soft chuckle.

" shit ! " he cursed under his breath, " i can't believe i believed that mofo— "

her chuckle turned into a laugh. " i can't believe you ran to the 7-11 just to buy me bread. "

" well... " he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, " i... "

the elevator dinged at just the right time, doors opening. all around them, people began swarming into it. moonyoung took the chance to slip her hand into his, walking into the elevator with him. yuta felt him cheeks heat up when he noticed her do so, and he could feel himself dying of both embarrassment and love when she held up both his bread and hers :

" thanks, yuta. "

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