song eunrae ;; 911 .

13 1 88

[ best with the song above because
i have never been so addicted to a
breakup song on douyin before ?? ]

hendery was falling out of love .

at least , that was what eunrae felt .

there was no explanation . just a feeling and some proof . he just ... didn't love her as much anymore .

of course , he wasn't the only one . she could feel herself loving lesser and lesser as the days went by and the nights flew past and the weeks became months and the months became years .

but it was still painful to admit it .

because , deep down , as much as her love deteriorates , as much as it lessens , it still exists . it still wants an equal amount back . and it still wants to be loved .


" hey , love . "

she remembered the day she started having suspicions . that very night , when they lay on their beds , stomachs growling , craving a good snack or two . that very night , when she wrapped her arms around him and rested her chin on his shoulder and breathed into his face .

" let's go get some snacks . "

he always agreed in a split second . always got up despite the endless whining . always made sure to let her tag along as they strolled on the streets and tried to find something they both liked , or allow her to pick from the food app .

but this time , he just turned and ignored her .

" it's late . you should get some sleep . "


" oh my god , kun finally proposed to ichika ! "

she remembered the day she found her firehouse captain's instagram page finally updated with a picture of him on one knee and a diamond ring sparkling in the sunlight . she remembered the day she embraced one of her closest friends , congratulating her as she officially invited the girls in the firehouse to be her bridesmaids .

she remembered coming home to a tired , moody boyfriend .

" are you gonna ... ? "

he did make promises . he said he would marry her . he said he would treat her good . he said she was the one person he wanted to marry , and he said she was the only one he'd give a home to . and every time she asked the same question , he never failed to say yes ( and make her believe it , because who doesn't believe a boy who gives you his word and works so , so hard to fulfil it ? ) .

but this time , he just ...

" i don't know . i'm tired . "


he started forgetting anniversaries . he stopped giving gifts . his smiles decreased and his frowns increased . hell , even the amount of times they saw each other in a day dropped to exactly zero sometimes .

he felt more like a roommate than a lover .

and eunrae couldn't stand it anymore .

so on a fine , rainy day , she left shift early , headed home , packed up a suitcase , and sent him a text .

let's break up . i can't do this anymore .


she was about to head out with all her things when he sprinted back , out of breath and very much panicked .

" h - honey , i — i — whats ... what's wrong ? " he panted , grabbing tightly onto her suitcase handle .

she felt a pang in her heart for some reason , but she decided to ignore it and go on . " nothing , i just ... you don't love me anymore . this relationship won't work . it's better to end it here than — "

" what are you talking about ? "

" i just ... ! i don't see it anymore ! i don't feel the rush anymore ! there's no adrenaline rush or serotonin boost whenever we're together ! there's no more dates , no more surprises , no more midnight walks , no more promises to marry me , nothing ! hendery , why can't you just tell me that you've fallen out of love ? why do you stop showing gestures and let me guess for myself ? you know this is gonna hurt both of us ! "

hendery said nothing . he just slowly let go of her , watching without a word as she brushed past him and left towards the elevator lobby .

" i'm gonna go stay at ren's . "

after a moment or so , he decided to do one last thing for her .

" take this , " he took his coat off and wrapped it around her shoulders , helping her put it on , " it's cold outside . don't get sick . and ... call me when you reach her place . "

she nodded , sighing as she entered the elevator without even sparing him another look .

the elevator took her downstairs , and she walked out of the lobby . a gust of cold wind attacked her immediately , and she instinctively shoved her free hand into her pocket .

then she stopped dead in her tracks .

and pulled out a small box .

and a piece of paper .

no more midnight snacks !!! D: she says she gets bloated and her stomach has issues in the morning !!!
shes gonna be so surprised when she sees this ring :D buying the house will have to wait a few bc of it but ill get there ,, i just hope she doesnt mind not getting gifts <3

without any more hesitation , eunrae turned back and ran . straight back upstairs , back to the place she once considered home , back to the person she once considered home and was still her home .

she found him curled up on the couch , sobbing into a throw pillow . the last beer can in the house was sitting on the coffee table , squeezed flat and very much empty , surrounded by tons of tissues .

upon hearing the keys jingle and the door creak open , he hastily wiped his tears away and stood up , putting on a tight , fake smile .

" d - did you forget something ? " he sniffled , " i can ... i can go get it ... "

without waiting for him to finish his sentence , eunrae dived into his arms , tackling him to the ground . she found herself tearing up as she snuggled closer .

" i'm sorry . "

" it's okay , " he whispered back , his voice cracking , " relationships don't always w— "

" i mean ... i'm sorry , love , i ... i do see it , and i do feel it . i really do now . i love you , and i know you love me too , and i ... "

she fished the box out of her pocket and opened it up . his eyes widened in surprise and a sheepish blush crept up his face .

" let's make this work again . we have a long , long way to go . "

love never fades , only the ways of expressing it does .

bestie anniv 2020Where stories live. Discover now