double standards ;; j.jaehyun, y.haneul.

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// i like the format sorrynotsorrysorry 👺👍😋💩👻🤌👃✋👍🦵🤠 //

—— ( day one ) ——

" oi, haneul. " nixie nudged the ceo's secretary, " are you and jaehyun dating ? "

" ....nnnnnnooooo ? " haneul replied, " i mean... i wish we were, but unfortunately... "

" then why is he so biased towards you ? "

needless to say, the latter was quite shocked by her friend's statement. " him ? biased ? towards me ?! "

" yeah ! "

" not in a million years ! "

nixie leaned in, lowering her voice as she spilled the tea. " he really does put you on a level higher than everyone else, ma'am. trust me. just observe him for a few days or so and you'll see it. "

—— ( day two ) ——

haneul arrived to work suspicious. she hovered around jaehyun the entire day, watching him with squinty eyes and a sour face, watching as he hosted every meeting with ease and looked through every report with the same judgemental face. she brought him his impossibly long coffee order as usual, contacted businesses for him, wrote meeting reports for him... all while trying to find out if nixie's words were true.


maybe she's lying to me.

just as he was starting to give her funny looks and she was about to call it quits, her opportunity came.

as yuta.

" you wanna go play basketball tomorrow ? " he asked, " it's saturday, might as well take your mind off work. "

" nope, " jaehyun rejected him clearly and coldly, " i don't like going out. "

" what about gaming ? i heard call of duty just— "

" you go chill with byul or sicheng and stop shoving your fingers up my ass ! " the ceo hurriedly shooed his buddy away, then cast a look at haneul.

she tensed up, the gears in her mind frantically turning until she came up with the perfect idea.

" oh, um, uh... i... i was wondering, you know, if you wanted to... like... go hiking with me ? on saturday ? "

dammit, haneul ! he just rejected yuta ! surely he won't—

" sure. "

now, this answer was something no one expected. not only did haneul herself freeze in place, even yuta did— just as he was about to head out of the office.

" jaehyun, you just said you didn't like going o— "

" i wanna go out this weekend, just not basketball. "

" what about gaming ?! that's going out too ! "

" i wanna experience nature. breathe fresh air and work out a little. "

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