moon gabi ;; round 2.

9 1 65

" we have time. "


" haechan, left or right ? " gabi asked in a low voice, feeling her hands heat up and begin to smoke.

haechan, on the other hand, still hadn't recovered from the sudden activation of his peculiarity. he hadn't gotten used to it at all, and every time he sensed a hollow it would hurt, hurt so bad, until the point where he'd even black out and lose his voice for a few seconds.

he was still crouched on the floor, holding a hanger in a not-so-threatening way, mildly gasping for breath. the pain was fading, slowly going away, but it was still there, a dull throb in his stomach that he couldn't quite ignore.

" lee donghyuck ! " she urged, " now isn't the time ! tell me, left or right ? "

he shook his head in a panic, her words barely processing in his muddled, groggy mind.

" oh, bollocks, " she huffed, " i guess i'll have to— "

the hollow's tongues slithered out of his mouth and wrapped itself around her ankle, yanking her upwards before she could finish her sentence. to the normal human eye, she was just being thrown and thrashed around by an invisible force. a scream tore from her lips as she toppled off balance, her head hitting a metal rack violently, making her entire body go slack.

gabi felt herself pass out for a second, then regain consciousness in the air. she barely had time to process things before she was violently thrown around again, the hollow's grip around her ankle tightening to a point where she couldn't quite feel it anymore.

oh, for god's sake, i won't have to get it amputated, will i ?

she summoned all the adrenaline she had left, feeling the heat in her hands rise to a maximum, burning red hot. with a desperate war cry, she reached up to the best of her ability and closed them around what she believed to be the hollow's tongue, feeling its flesh sizzle and burn under her touch.

the monster shrieked loudly, letting go of her as soon as its tongue was burned off. it thrashed wildly when she wouldn't let go and moved her hands upwards, burning a bigger section off it, and soon, it had thrown her into the air.

well, this would be a good time to say 'shit'.

gabi's eyes widened as her angry war cry turned into a fearful shriek as she desperate grabbed at the metal structures crisscrossing on the ceiling of the supermarket in an effort to stop her fall. her red-hot hands made it difficult for her to grab anything, though— the metal fissures melted into useless slag as soon as she closed her fingers around them.

she felt herself falling, falling, falling, nothing to cushion her fall below her except—

" oof ! " her ass hit the pile of clothes before her train of thoughts even made sense. she instinctively pressed her hands into said clothes, burning a hand-shaped hole through them before she took them out in a panic.

the hollow was still coming at her— of course, since she burned its tongue off and not its brain— and it was angrier than ever.

haechan had recovered from whatever-that-was-he-experienced-five-seconds-ago, and was leaning against a not-melted metal rack, catching his breath. his eyes widened like gabi's when he saw the hollow coming, and before he could control his actions, he instinctively stepped out in front of her, holding one hand out.

some kind of pressure was building his stomach, like there was something boiling and swirling inside, ready to take shape. his breath hitched in his throat when he realised what that boiling, swirling thing was, and his mind almost melted in amazement when he summoned it to his will.

a word.


it was a crossover between a hiss, a growl and a shriek. it sounded like a demon had taken over his body and spoken to the hollow in an effort to control it.

and it worked.

the hollow stopped dead in its tracks, panting loudly, drooling all over the clothes. he could feel it thrashing about internally, trying to break free from its grasp, but he managed to keep it under control for a few more seconds.

" gabi, " he found his tongue again, human this time, " kill it. just above my head. "

she stood up shakily, reaching her hands upwards with her hands still smoking aggressively like a boiling kettle. she clapped it over the invisible monster, hearing a loud, high-pithed scream emanate across the supermarket before dying down to a whisper.

the monster fell sideways, clattering to the floor.


the both of them stumbled backwards, left with the raw fear and panic that should've felt but was masked by the adrenaline that was now fading.

amidst all the chaos, their hands found each other— haechan was glad gabi had stopped heating them up or he'd be an amputee by now—, their finger slowly intertwining, interlocking. they turned to stare at each other in disbelief, a shocked laugh escaping their lips in synchrony.

" we killed it, " he breathed, " we... "

" we did it, " she grinned breathlessly, " oh, bollocks, we did it. "

then he pulled her into a hug, and she returned it with a bigger one, and suddenly things didn't seem so bad after all.

" we need to run from the police, " he whispered, burying his face into the crook of her neck, the smell of her goat's milk soap wafting all around him.

" mm, " she murmured, relishing in the warm hug, " we have time. "

we have time.

in that moment, time was all they needed.

time to live.

and love each other.

// we have time is The Most Important Sentence in the entire miss peregrine's series pls //

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