hae moonyoung ;; when we were young.

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" you're my biggest priority. "


moonyoung's phone rang at the worst time possible— 3am. it struck her eardrums like how bullets would strike someone in the movies she'd watched before, shattering the perfectly moonlit silence.

groaning in annoyance, she rolled over and picked it up, not even bothering to open her eyes and take a look at the caller id as she huffed,

" what ! "

" come bail me out. "

xiaoxiao's voice. breathless, a little panicked. low, soft, as if she was trying to avoid attention.

of course she was trying to avoid attention. she said " bail me out ", meaning she was in jail, meaning she needed money to—

holy shit, she's in jail ?!

that realisation hit moonyoung like a truck as she sat up, throwing her sheets off of her. she hurriedly put her glasses on and began searching through her closer for a quick outfit to throw on while keeping her footsteps quiet.

" why the hell are you in jail ?! " she hissed into her phone, holding it between her cheek and her shoulder as she hastily buttoned up her windbreaker, " at 3am ?! sis, were you selling drugs or what ?! "

" don't ask. just come bail me out. "

then xiaoxiao hung up, and she snuck out of her house in confusion.


moonyoung found her sitting in the waiting area of the local police station, bruised and battered, an ice pack on her swollen cheekbone. xiaoxiao motioned towards the clerk sitting behind a desk nearby, telling her to pay up.

the paperwork and money was processed quite quickly. the clerk obviously wasn't paying attention to the minor who paid him a thick wad of cash and forged a shitty copy of her father's signature.

both girls were out of the police station in fifteen minutes, walking down the cold, wintry streets of seoul. the breeze was extra cold that night, colder than the ice pack that was slowly numbing xiaoxiao's palm. the entire place was empty except for a few people here and there, and a bar still operating even with the scarcity of customers.

they walked for a long, long time, neither of them uttering a single word. it was a sort of silent agreement they've agreed upon since the very start of their friendship— no questions asked, just 100% trust. the policy that maintained their friendship for 7 years.

but that particular night, moonyoung couldn't help it. she couldn't hold it in anymore. she had to ask.

it started with simple questions, simple answers. nothing more—

" how many people ? "

" eight. "

" did they have weapons ? "

" baseball bats. "

" any broken bones ? "

" i might've snapped someone's arm. "

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