jang seulchae ;; idk wtf this is.

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" oh, honey, love comes when you least expect it. "


he was a knight, and she was a princess.

it was fitting. very fitting.

everything was planned out just like every single other thing was in those times. a fairy tale come true.


when the dragon came, he wasn't there.

when it took her, he wasn't there.

when it locked her away, he wasn't there.

when it torched the entire kingdom, he wasn't there.

chae was beginning to lose hope. her knight in shining armour, her future husband, her seokmin....

" forget him, " the dragon rumbled, peering at her from the outside of the rock tower through a narrow window, " he's not coming. "

" maybe you're right, " she finally piped up, replied to the dragon after its— her— multiple failed attempts to speak to the princess.

" i am right, " she said, " i'm always right. why do you think i'm called cassandra the correct in our community ? "

" you have a community ? " chae asked in disbelief, unable to believe her own ears, " so, what, you just meet up once a month and decide which kingdom to burn to ashes and which princess to kidnap and which king to murder ? "

" mayhaps, or as you humans say— i guess. "

" i guess ! " the princess exclaimed, " that's not right, miss ! you can't just kill people— they are lives as important as yours ! they have families ! "

" but does your kingdom not value one family's lives more than the lives of thousands of other families ? "

at that statement, chae fell silent. she tried to retort, but found herself tongue-tied. deep down, she agreed with it, despite every cell of her body telling her not to agree with the enemy. and she agreed nonetheless, despite what every cell of her body told her not to do.

" you're... you're right, but... " her voice grew soft as she tried to form an argument, a weak but valid argument, " sometimes... to some people... some lives are more important than others. it could be a mother. a father. a child. a friend. a... "

" a husband. " cassandra completed her sentence.

" my husband. "

" you're not married. "

" not yet ! " she huffed, " we would already be happily planning our royal wedding if you hadn't kidnapped me and trapped me in this godforsaken tower ! "

the dragon laughed, or made some sort of rumble that resembled a laugh. the entire tower shook with her, smoke billowing out of her nostrils and into the sky.

" i saved you, princess, " she replied, " i saved you from a cowardly, idiosyncratic person who only values his life more than the lives of others. "

" no, you didn't ! "

" yes i did. look at him— where was he when i arrived ? where was he when i took you ? where was he when i killed your parents ? where was he when i burned your entire kingdom to ashes ? he left you, princess, he left you to weep before the remains of your kingdom. all because he valued his life more than yours. "

chae sank to the floor, unable to believe the dragon's words. tears began to sting the corners of her eyes, hot tears, hot, sad tears, hot, sad, angry tears. tears that showed disbelief but also belief.

because, despite every inch of her being telling her not to agree with the enemy, she agreed with her again.

" he's not coming, princess, " the dragon sighed heavily, wispy smoke curling out from her teeth.

" your knight in shining armour isn't coming. "

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